Commonwealth of Virginia Learning Center (COVLC)

弗吉尼亚联邦学习中心(COVLC)是由弗吉尼亚州主办的在线学习平台. ODU在COVLC上有一个域,其中包含来自各个ODU部门的在线培训模块.

Access the COVLC

The COVLC requires a unique Login ID and Password.
Go to and login with your credentials. COVLC登录ID和密码与您的MIDAS ID无关. 新员工在入职培训前会获得这些证书.

Don't know your login credentials?
如果您忘记了或需要新的证书,请提交 "Request Credentials" form or email and the ODU COVLC Administrators will send them to you. 不要从COVLC网站请求您的密码-它将不起作用.

Need help?
Please check frequently asked questions, and email with any technical difficulties or unanswered questions. The ODU COVLC Administrators are: Marilyn Baylon and Debbie Couch.


ODU HR Courses



No Registration Required

Find a Course

登录到COVLC,然后在搜索栏中输入“开发您的自治权”以查看本课程系列. You can also search by individual course name.

Develop Your Dominion Courses

由ODU人力资源培训定制的专业发展课程 & Development Team.

行政专业人员是大多数办公环境的关键部分. 他们在后台安静地工作,确保业务顺利高效地运行. This online course will help you:

  • 描述行政和办公室专业人员的技能和角色
  • Explain ways to use resources efficiently, manage time wisely, 有效的沟通和与他人合作技巧
  • 确定一些资源来帮助他们在行政和办公室专业人员的职业生涯中取得进步


远程工作对你和你的员工都有好处,但也会带来一些挑战. 本课程将提供当前的最佳实践和技巧,以帮助您管理和激励您的远程员工并实现高绩效.

The current business environment is global. 不仅组织更加多样化,而且许多组织也正在成为跨国公司. 这些不断变化的人口统计数据正在改变组织提供客户服务的方式. This online course will help you:

  • 采用提供积极的客户体验的工具和技术,克服客户的语言障碍
  • 对任何语言的客户表现出积极、自信和专业的态度

This online course will help you:

  • Name the first step for goal setting
  • Recognize the characteristics of SMART goals
  • 找出可能阻碍你坚持职业目标的行为

This online course will help you:

  • Define professional branding
  • Describe a framework for developing your professional brand
  • 确定一些建议,将品牌建设纳入你的日常计划

As a leader in today's world, 领导者必须能够激发生产力,激励员工实现组织的目标. 领导一个高绩效的团队就是要创造一个鼓励团队成员畅所欲言的环境, collaborate, experiment, and reflect. 一个伟大的团队领导者知道如何产生团队凝聚力,相互尊重和支持. 一个伟大的团队领导者也能认识到,团队发展的不同阶段需要不同的领导风格.

This online course will help you:

  • Define a high performing team
  • Identify the four stages of team development
  • 在团队发展的每个阶段应用最佳领导实践,以保持协同和高绩效.


New Employee Trainings

新员工入职培训(NEO)是新员工入职过程中的第一步. 这个自定进度的在线指导模块可以通过弗吉尼亚联邦学习中心(COVLC)访问。. NEO包括对ODU的热烈欢迎,并为员工提供有关大学文化的相关信息, State and University policies/procedures, as well as an overview of the available benefits options.

New employees will receive by email; their login id, temporary password, and the step-by-step instructions on how to access the NEO.

这个在线模块提供了所有新全职员工的福利清单信息, 现在的全职员工也可以随时查看他们的福利.

所有新的国家雇员都必须完成COVLC的国家强制性培训 60 days after receiving their login id and password.


  • DCJS - Civilian Response to Active Shooter Events (CRASE)
  • COV - Working Together for Virginia
  • MVP - Alcohol and Other Drugs Policy for Employees
  • MVP HR Policy and Law - Civility in the Workplace
  • VDEM - Terrorism and Security Awareness Orientation
  • 维吉尼亚州雇员安全和灾难意识培训


  • DCJS - Civilian Response to Active Shooter Events (CRASE)
  • COV - Working Together for Virginia
  • MVP - Alcohol and Other Drugs Policy for Employees
  • MVP HR Policy and Law - Civility in the Workplace
  • VDEM - Terrorism and Security Awareness Orientation
  • 维吉尼亚州雇员安全和灾难意识培训


Virginia DHRM Courses



No Registration Required

Find a Course

登录到COVLC,然后在搜索栏中输入“MVP”以查看管理弗吉尼亚计划系列. You can also search by individual course name.

Managing Virginia Program (MVP) Courses


  • Frankly Speaking
  • The Art of Listening

  • Basic Skills
  • Managing Customer Service

  • Introduction to Supervision
  • Managing the Work Process
  • Delegating
  • Coaching
  • Motivating for Improved Performance
  • Employee Engagement

  • Before the Interview
  • During the Interview
  • After the Interview

  • Module 1 Overview
  • Module 2 - Develop EWP
  • Module 3 - Documentation and Feedback Forms
  • Module 4 -Evaluation Performance
  • Module 5 - Probationary Period

  • Leadership Styles
  • Leadership Competencies & Essentials
  • Leadership Influencing Others & Building Trust

  • Stress Management
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Time Management


Frequently Asked Questions



  • New Employee Orientation
  • Benefits for Full-Time Employees
  • Mandatory State of Virginia Trainings
  • 弗吉尼亚人力资源管理系(DHRM)课程
  • Develop Your Dominion courses (online, asynchronous)
  • Other ODU Departments courses (Ex: Travel Card training, etc.)

You must use the Search Bar to find courses on the COVLC. Once logged into COVLC, locate the search bar near the top.

If you are searching for Develop Your Dominion courses, 输入“开发你的自治领”,所有相关课程都会出现. If you are searching for Managing Virginia Program courses, type "MVP" and all related courses will appear. You may also search by individual course name.

No. 你不需要注册COVLC上的任何课程. 这些都是异步的、自我指导的课程,你可以按照自己的进度在线完成.

是的,一旦你成功地完成了你的在线课程,点击 View Certificate button to download or print.

Send an email to or contact the COVLC Administrators individually: