Ph.D. in Kinesiology & Rehabilitation

The Ph.D. in Kinesiology & 康复是为运动生理学家设计的, 运动心理学家, 生物力学家)和康复专家(运动教练), 职业治疗师, physical therapists, 有兴趣成为领导者的言语/语言病理学家, teachers, 以及各自领域的学者. This inter-professional and interdisciplinary program features faculty mentors from the 健康科学学院, 与来自ODU各地的教师和学生合作. Students are immersed in research experiences in and out of the classroom and complete a flexible curriculum that can encompass motor control and learning, neuroscience, biomechanics, exercise science, nutrition, public health, rehabilitation, 通信科学, 以及研究方法. 除了四门核心课程, 学生完成研究课程, 教学及/或研究学徒课程, 至少四门选修课, 12个论文学分,总共至少51个学分.

This program is designed for people who have already completed a master's degree or entry-level clinical doctorate and wish to advance the body of knowledge of their respective professions/disciplines and to assume the role of researcher, 学术界的教育者和导师, clinical, or industrial setting.


Degree Information


Applicants must meet the general graduate level requirements as well as specific program requirements. 


课程包括核心课程, research courses, 从实践经验中学习/学徒制, and electives.

Degree Requirements


Student Outcomes

Graduates of the Ph.D. in Kinesiology & 康复计划将能够:

  1. 在学术和非学术环境中应用他们在运动机能学和康复方面的专业知识
  2. 坚持负责任的研究行为原则
  3. Critically analyze research publications and presentations in their areas of focus in kinesiology and rehabilitation
  4. Design and conduct original research to expand the body of knowledge in kinesiology and rehabilitation
  5. 以适合展示和/或出版的格式传播研究成果
  6. Collaborate with colleagues in different but related fields for education, research and publications
  7. 在大学本科或研究生课程中发展和提供教学


Associate Professor 康复科学学院


Our program faculty have a diverse academic background in areas of kinesiology and rehabilitation and offer expertise in understanding how humans move and communicate across the lifespan, 以及这是如何受到伤害的, disease, or the aging process. 这个团队是高度跨专业的, 在运动训练方面有临床经验, occupational therapy, physical therapy, 以及言语和语言病理学. 我们的研究有助于我们对脑震荡的理解和治疗, diabetes, falls risk, 肌肉骨骼损伤, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, stroke, stuttering, and more. 这在备受尊敬的同行评议期刊上的出版物中得到了证明, and private, state, 以及联邦拨款来支持我们的研究.

Below you will find brief information about the academic background and research specialization areas of our faculty, 与链接到个别网页. If you wish for assistance in finding a faculty member who could mentor you through the PhD program, 请联系研究生项目主任, Patrick Wilson or Ryan McCann

Associate Professor
Research Interests
Musculoskeletal simulations of activities of daily living and athletic maneuvers; Influence of biomechanics on physical activity in special populations; Resistance training and sports biomechanics;
Asst Prof & Clin Ed Coord 康复科学学院
Associate Professor 康复科学学院
Associate Professor
Research Interests
The emotional, attentional, and linguistic processing components of childhood language development and childhood stuttering disorders.
临床助理教授 康复科学学院
Associate Professor
Research Interests
Dr. Johnson's research interests involve cognitive and procedural aspects of learning with a specific interest in the role of structure of practice, schedule of feedback, 以及神经认知恢复的动机来优化沟通, participation, self-efficacy, and quality of life.
Assistant Professor 康复科学学院
Research Interests
Dr. Khurana’s research primarily focuses on early detection and early intervention in children with neurodevelopmental delays. 她过去的作品是关于马达的, 足月和早产儿的认知和语言发展. Key projects include:Promoting neuroplasticity and enhancing neurobehavioral organization and movement repertoire through early intervention in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU).Improving developmental outcomes in preterm infants during first year of life through providing early intervention and home programs.Assessing the feasibility of conducting unsedated diffusion tensor imaging in very preterm infants.Currently, Dr. 库拉纳正在用脑电图(EEG)研究大脑活动。. Her ongoing projects include:Exploring the feasibility of conducting EEG during walking in typically developing 4-8 years old children.Comparing neural correlates of walking between typically developing children and those diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder.Additionally, Dr. Khurana is investigating the effect of adaptive gymnastics on motor development in children with autism. She is also deeply interested in understanding the dynamics of parent child interactions and their influence on developmental outcomes.
Assistant Professor 康复科学学院
Research Interests
Balance, Mobility, Fall prevention, Adaptive locomotion, Locomotor training, 老年康复, Aging, 神经肌肉疾病, 基于微扰的步态训练
Associate Professor 康复科学学院
Research Interests
职业治疗理论的发展, 理论指导干预的检验, Knowledge and Science Implementation in Educational Based Practice and Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Occupational Therapy Education
临床助理教授 康复科学学院
Research Interests
Measurement of Spinal Range of Motion; Standardized Patient Use in Physical Therapy Education; Outcome measures in falls risk; Assessment in Admissions
Assistant Professor 康复科学学院
Associate Professor 康复科学学院
Research Interests
Dr. 雷默的研究考察了词汇, orthographic, and praxis disorders and means to promote their optimal rehabilitation in individuals with aphasia, dyslexia, dysgraphia, 以及中风和其他神经系统疾病导致的失用症.
Associate Professor
Research Interests
Her research interests include examining how short term alterations in physical activity (or inactivity) impact cardiometabolic health in healthy individuals, 患有慢性疾病(2型糖尿病)的个人, 心血管疾病), 怀孕期间也是如此.
研究与创新副院长 埃尔默健康科学学院
Research Interests
Dr. 瑞亚的研究是神经运动控制和先进技术(如.g.(虚拟现实、智能手机),以应对人类健康挑战. To this end, Dr. 瑞亚的团队得到了美国国立卫生研究院的资助, DoD, US Navy, HRSA, NIOSH, 女子足球基金会, 和4-VA探索老年人跌倒相关的解决方案, concussions, service member health, occupational health, 儿童的身体活动和营养.
Associate Professor & Chair
Research Interests
Motor Control & LearningMovement DisordersRehabilitation
Assistant Professor 康复科学学院
Research Interests
Associate Professor 康复科学学院
Research Interests
Assistant Professor 康复科学学院
Research Interests
My research interests include studying play and creativity across the lifespan as well as how universal design for learning (UDL) promotes access and equity. My current research studies: 1) Empowering parents to support their child's early literacy (pre-reading and pre-writing through engagement and play)2) Reducing interfering classroom behaviors through emotion-regulation supports3) Utilizing the principles of UDL to foster equity and creativity for artists with intellectual and developmental disabilities
Associate Professor
Research Interests
运动与运动营养, exercise physiology, 耐力比赛, 公共健康,因为它与体育活动和营养有关.
Assistant Professor
Research Interests
The overarching theme of my research is how social and psychological factors shape and influence physical activity behaviors and cardiovascular disease. I focus on developing and implementing physical activity promotion interventions to improve cardiovascular health, 身体活动测量(心理测量和可穿戴设备), and examining social connectedness factors related to physical activity and cardiovascular health. 我的研究来自于我在行为科学、社会心理学和公共卫生方面的训练.