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约翰BAAKI, Stem Ed/Prof . Std, 儿童福利训练:评估, Redesign and Evaluation; Wayne State University, $20,657.00.

MARGARET BARBER, Dean Education, VDOE Additional 资金; Virginia Department of Education, $450,666.66.

杜永财, Stem Ed/Prof . Std, Discovering Positive and Negative Outcomes of Metaverse Uses; Association for 消费者 RESEARCH, $2,000.00.

VENICIA法瑞尔, 教育合作中心, Science Consultancy Additional; Essex County Public Schools, $16,810.00.

罗伯特·盖博,通讯障碍 & 特殊教育,STEPHEN TONELSON,特殊教育培训和地区技术援助中心&3 (22-24 TTAC AND PBIS); Virginia Department of Education, $1,699.732.00.

凯瑟琳·格伦, 心理学, SANDIPAN DUTTA, Evaluating the 影响 of Teen-To-Teen Crisis Lines; American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, $100,000.00.

奥斯卡·冈萨雷斯,电气 & 计算机中, MURAT KUZLU, DMITRIE POPESCU, OTILIA POPESCU, Naval Station Norfolk (NAS Norfolk) 5G Architecture Ashore and Afloat; Booz Allen Hamilton Inc (BAH), $138,432.00.

UKWATTA JAYARATHNA, 计算机科学, 安妮PERROTTI, CISE-MSI: RCBP-Rf: HCC: Understanding Human Emotions Associated with Activities in Temporal Domain Utilizing Multimodal Data; Bowie State University, $87,055.00.

UKWATTA JAYARATHNA, 计算机科学, ALLISON CHAPPELL, 安妮PERROTTI, SCC-PG: Exploring Stem Educational Delivery for Youth in Norfolk Juvenile Detention Center; National Science Foundation, $16,000.00.

亚历山大·克拉夫琴科,机械部 & 航空航天英格, Analysis of Fracture Behavior in Nylon Glass Fiber Organosheets; Johns Manville, $30,000.00.

蒋丽,电气 & 计算机中, (吴, SBIR: An Advanced Machine 学习 and Artificial Intelligence System for Demonstrating Radiation Regulatory Compliance In Doe Accelerator Facilities; Applied RESEARCH LLC, $345,000.00.

西尔万·马西亚克,电气部 & 计算机中, 马修·格劳, Photocathodes With 90% Polarization and QE > 1% For DOE NP; Jefferson Science Associates, LLC (Jefferson Lab), $31,000.00.

西尔万·马西亚克,电气部 & 计算机中, 马修·格劳, Enhancing the Design of Photocathodes With 90% Polarization and QE > 1% For DOE NP; US Department of Energy, $179,000.00.

罗伯特·麦克纳布, 经济学, VINOD AGARWA, An Investigation of The Data Center Industry in The Commonwealth of Virginia; George Mason University, $37,708.00.

约翰·纳纳利,创新RESEARCH所 & Entrepreneurship, WBC Workplan FY22-23; Small Business 政府, $150,000.00.

布莱恩·波特, RESEARCH生院, NOROU DIAWARA, 2023年弗吉尼亚安全带和核心调查, 弗吉尼亚机动车辆管理局, $248,143.00.

布莱恩·波特, RESEARCH生院, 兰迪GAINEY, YUSUKE YAMANI, Occupant Protection in Virginia: Pressing Evaluation Results; 弗吉尼亚机动车辆管理局 $138,286.00

玛丽沙, VSGC, 维吉尼亚太空资助联盟资助大学预科项目, Howmet航空航天基金会, $100,000.00.

玛丽沙, VSGC, NASA Space Grant Plant the Moon Challenge; NASA-Headquarters, $349,081.00.

TAYLOR SLOEY,生物科学,弗吉尼亚海洋格兰特RESEARCH生奖学金(Hildebrandt, S.) Digi-Spat: Digital Shoreline for Public Awareness and 教学; Virginia Institute of Marine Science, $40,000.00.

纳维德·塔维尔达里,平民 & 环境中, 托马斯•艾伦, MECIT CETIN, GANGFENG马, 乔治•麦克劳德, 罗伯特·麦克纳布, 库恩谢, 动态海平面上升下的交通系统和洪水恢复能力:综合建模评估汉普顿道路道路洪水的自然和基于自然的解决方案, Virginia; National Oceanic & 大气管理局,476,639美元.00.

STEPHEN TONELSON,通讯障碍 & 特殊教育, 安MAYDOSZ, SECEP Teacher Recruitment Campaign; SECEP (Southeastern Cooperative Educational Programs) Norfolk Public Schools, $18,931.00.

熙和朱, 人体运动科学, 贾斯汀海格勒, Special Olympics Virginia- 影响s on Athletes; Special Olympics Virginia, $15,000.00.

默罕默德·祖拜尔, 计算机科学, Design and Implementation of Algorithms for Exascale Computing Targeting CFD Aeroscience Applications; NASA-Headquarters, $190,000.00.



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