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University Relations Gradient

奖助金 and 合同 for February 2022

奥兰多AYALA, Engineering 技术, 拉斐尔为, Projects for Engineering 学生接触 (PESO); Virginia Space Grant Consortium, $9,872.75.

肯特·卡彭特, 生物科学, PIRE: Centennial Genetic and Species Transformations in The Epicenter of Marine Biodiversity; National Science Foundation, $47,000.00.

克里斯托弗•卡特, VSGC, Proposals for 资金 Virginia Educators to Attend GeoTed-UAS Professional Development Institutes - Improving Pathways into The Geospatial and Unmanned Aircraft Systems Technician Workforce (GeoTed-UAS); National Center for Autonomous Technologies (NCAT), $18,000.00.

JEAN DELAYEN, Physics, GEOFFREY KRAFFT, NSF: ACCELNET: Collaborative RESEARCH: U.S. And Latin American RESEARCH Network for The Electron-Ion Collider (N2N-EIC); University of Kansas, $37,800.00.

帅郝, 计算机科学, Measuring and Investigating Internet Censorship Through Ground-Truth Based, End-End Framework; Open Society Institute, $199,724.94.

CHUNQI JIANG, Electrical & 计算机中, Advanced Laser Scattering System for Atmospheric-Pressure Pulsed Plasma Characterization; Air Force Office of Scientific RESEARCH, $303,077.00.

TERESA KISSEL, Philosophy & 宗教RESEARCH, RESEARCH and Writing Leading to A Book on The Female Logician and Analytic Philosopher Susan Stebbing (1885-1943); National Endowment for The Humanities, $60,000.00.

KIMBERLY MURPHY, Comm Disorders & 特殊教育, Speech Language Pathology and 特殊教育ucation Data Analysis Project; Virginia Department of Education, $8,000.00.

瑞宁, School of 网络安全, CRII: SaTc: Backdoor Detection, 缓解, And Prevention in Deep Neural Networks; National Science Foundation, $175,000.00.

瑞宁, School of 网络安全, 江李, CCI: Experimental RESEARCH: Investigation Robustness and Uncertainty of Ai Algorithms in Cyber Physical Systems; Old Dominion University, $49,906.00.

YIANNIS PAPELIS, VMASC, MENION CROLL, Evaluation and Enhancement of Simulation Frameworks to 支持 Unmanned Surface Vehicle Autonomy Testing; Mantech, $112,734.80.

YIANNIS PAPELIS, VMASC, MENION CROLL, High Fidelity Maritime Traffic Generation and Testing Scenario Control Continued 支持 to Naval ASTC; Naval Surface Weapons Center, $249,999.00.

YIANNIS PAPELIS, VMASC, 陈忠浩, OLEKSANDR KRAVCHENKO, Commonwealth Center of Innovation for 自治系统 (C2IAS); Virginia Polytech Institute & State University, $100,000.00.

布莱恩·佩恩, 各种ODU单元, 南希GRDEN, 唐纳德STANSBERRY, 你VANDECAR-BURDIN, 757 Regional Internship Collaborative; State Council of Higher Education in Virginia (SCHEV), $250,000.00.

ERIN PURCELL, Chemistry & 生物化学, Inhibition of Bacterial Strains Associated with Vaginal Dysbiosis; Eastern Virginia Medical School CONRAD, $17,577.00.

罗伯特•罗宾逊, VMASC, 罗素CZACK, 彼得FOYTIK, 马苏德·拉纳博士, 凯伦SANZO, 萨钦谢蒂, CCI:网络安全 & Barriers to 技术 Adoption Among Maritime Activities; Old Dominion University, $100,000.00.

马克SCERBO, 心理学, 米格尔·帕迪拉, SBIR: 建模 Professional Attitudes and 教学 Humanistic Communication to Remedy Implicit Bias and Promote Cultural Humility in 健康care (MPATHIC-IBCH); Medical Cyberworlds, 公司., $88,744.00.

萨钦谢蒂, Computational 建模 & Simulation Engineering, 彼得FOYTIK, 罗斯戈尔, The Federal Systems Integration and Management Center (FEDSIM); Frontier 技术 公司., $252,378.88.

萨钦谢蒂, Computational 建模 & Simulation Engineering, Network Slicing Security for NEXTG Networks; Old Dominion University, $25,000.00.

STEPHEN TONELSON, Comm Disorders & 特殊教育, 罗伯特·盖博, 安MAYDOSZ, VTSS State Funds 21-22; Virginia Department of Education, $100,000.00.

Juita (wei) yusuf, School of Public 服务, Virginia Sea Grant 2021 Covid19 Response and Aquaculture Supplemental - Round 2; Virginia Polytech Institute & State University, $15,000.00.


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