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奖助金 & 2021年6月合同

MUGE AKPINAR-ELCI,健康科学院长,评估Covid-19大流行对美国的影响.S. Hispanic/Latin Farmworkers; Johns-Hopkins University, $9,500.00.

米歇尔AUDETTE, 计算建模与仿真工程“,, Arrhythmia Mechanisms in Long QT Syndrome; Norfolk State University, $65,000.00.

丹尼尔BARSHIS, 生物科学, VERONICA RADICE, Mesophotic Coral Climate Change Resistance: Evolutionary and Physiological Adaptions; Revive & 恢复,15400美元.00.

克雷格·贝斯,化学 & 生物化学, Solid-State NMR Characterization of Organic Semiconductor Materials; Virginia Academy of Science, $1,250.00.

菲比CHAPPELL, 海洋与地球科学, Collaborative RESEARCH: Quantifying the Effects of Variable Light and Iron on The Nitrate Assimilation Isotope Effect of Phytoplankton; National Science Foundation, $49,790.00.

巴里这时警报声响起, VMASC, Risk and Decision Analytic 支持 to The Hampton Roads Urban Areas Security Initiative Grant and The Threat Hazard Risk Assessment; Hampton Roads Planning District Commission, $61,750.00.

巴里这时警报声响起, VMASC, 罗斯戈尔, 克里斯托弗•林奇, Covid-19 Forecasting and Analytic 支持 to VDEM And VDH; Virginia Department of 紧急 Management, $88,200.00.

罗伯特·盖博,通讯障碍 & 特殊教育, STEPHEN TONELSON, 地区特殊教育培训和技术援助中心 & 3; Virginia Dept of Education, $5,557.00.

莱斯利·格林,化学 & 生物化学, 探索气候变化对蓝藻的影响, Microcystis Aeruginosa: Potential Ramifications for The Chesapeake Bay and Its Tributaries; Virginia Academy of Science, $1,250.00.

小乔治·哈格曼, 海岸物理海洋中心, Preliminary Planning for A National Offshore Wind RESEARCH Turbine (NOWRT) To Be Located on The Virginia Coast; bet8体育娱乐入口, $5,000.00.

艾尔文·霍尔德,化学 & 生物化学, DESH野生动物, MARC 本科 Student Training in Academic RESEARCH Program at bet8体育娱乐入口; US 公共卫生 服务 (National Institutes of 健康-NIH), $336,616.00.

MIA JOE, Center for Ed Partnership, Brooks Crossing iLAB; bet8体育娱乐入口, $120,000.00.

塞缪尔·科瓦契奇,工程管理 & 系统中, Digital Engineering Implications on Decision Making Process - WRT-1045; Stevens Institute of 技术, $8,500.00.

工程管理拉斐尔·兰德塔 & 系统中, Engineering Early Advantage Program (EEAP) 2021; Virginia Space Grant Consortium, $11,000.00.

机械部的德鲁·兰德曼 & Aerospace Eng, Wind Tunnel Testing of UAS Propeller; Aerovironment, $2,029.00.

瑞安麦肯, 康复科学学院, Effects of A Single-Session Balance Training on Spinal Reflexive Excitability Modulation and Corticospinal Excitability in Individuals with Chronic Ankle Instability; National Athletic Trainers Association, $2,500.00.

弗雷德里克·麦肯齐, 计算建模与仿真工程“,, Telemedicine System for PC Brace and PE Vacuum Bell Treatment and Monitoring; Children's Hospital of The King's Daughters, $49,876.00.

乔治·诺尔, 心理学, 克里斯汀GANSLE, Value-Added Methodology and Teacher Preparation Evaluation; Louisiana Department of Education, $38,000.00.

DESH野生动物, 计算机科学, 巴尔沙TERZIC, 默罕默德·祖拜尔, Numerical Integration on GPURS Year 2; Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, $70,370.00.

彼得SEDWICK, 海洋与地球科学, 合作RESEARCH:低温热液喷口是海洋稳定溶解铁的重要但被忽视的来源吗? 国家科学基金会,34,977美元.00.

萨钦谢蒂, 计算建模与仿真工程“,, 彼得FOYTIK, 罗斯戈尔, Cyber Tool Suite and Modernization; Frontier 技术 Inc., $71,123.89.

杰西卡SUEDBECK, 口腔卫生, Ergonomic Instrument Selection for 口腔卫生 Students; Johns-Hopkins University, $10,000.00.

STEPHEN TONELSON,通讯障碍 & 特殊教育, 安MAYDOSZ, Additional Work on Virtual 学习 支持 Toolkit Website; Virginia Dept of Education, $10,000.00.

琳达·瓦哈拉,电气公司 & Computer Eng, Unitary Qubit Lattice Algorithms for Plasma Physics; US Department of Energy, $51,925.00.

林恩·怀尔斯, 护理, 贾尼斯·霍金斯, 凯伦·希金斯, 贾米拉•马丁, VERONICA TREMBLAY, VET-PRN-退伍军人 Education and Training as Primary Care RNs; US Department of 健康 & 人类服务部,499,997美元.00.

BRAD WILLIAMSON, VMASC, Operation Next; Lift 技术 Operated by Almmii, $196,250.00.

熙和朱, 人体运动科学, 贾斯汀海格勒, Effects of Peer-支持ed Exercise on Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression Among Young Adults; Hampton Roads Community Foundation, $13,000.00.

理查德·齐默尔曼, 海洋与地球科学, 维多利亚山, CHARLSE SUKENIK, SBIR: Design and Fabrication Of OLEAS: Oceanographic Lidar for Environmental Assessment; Nalu Scientific, $66,000.00.



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