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奖助金 & 2021年5月合同

NATHANIEL APATOV, 护理, 2020 And 2021 Nurse Anesthetist Traineeships; US Department of 健康 & 人类服务部,17588美元.00.

SHARANA ASUNDI,机械师 & 航空航天英格, SRFP Bi-Static Differential-Absorption Barometric Radar (Dibar); bet8体育娱乐入口, $7,000.00.

史蒂文·贝克尔, 公共卫生学院, Addressing Stigma and Strengthening 弹性: Lessons from The Fukushima Dai-Ichi Crisis and Its Aftermath; The United States-Japan Foundation, $62,600.00.

斯蒂芬·毕比, 生物电学中心, NOROU DIAWARA, Rls-0071 To Treat Acute Lung Injury Related to Covid-19; Virginia Biosciences 健康 RESEARCH Corporation, $3,390,000.00.

卡拉BURRELL-CRAFT, 院长教育, JORI贝克, LATANYA SUTPHIN, ODU Teacher in Residence Black Educator's Initiative; National Center for Teacher Residencies, $228,000.00.

哈尼·艾尔赛义德·阿里,电气公司 & 计算机中, Lifenet 健康 Electron Microscopy Studies of Tissue Samples; Lifenet 健康, $465.00.

伊丽莎白FRETWELL, 历史, RESEARCH办公室暑期RESEARCH奖学金项目:剪裁身份:工艺, 性别, And Material 文化 in Urban West Africa; bet8体育娱乐入口, $7,000.00.

大卫附近, 生物科学, (PURS) 本科 RESEARCH in Genome Science: Sequencing the Whole Genome of The Tick Amblyomma Maculatum; bet8体育娱乐入口, $10,000.00.

罗斯戈尔, VMASC, 要不是AGGARWAL, 克雷格·乔丹, 克里斯托弗•林奇, 亚历克斯·尼尔森, 约翰·舒尔, Irad: Digital Neighborhood; bet8体育娱乐入口, $476,800.00.

理查德·黑尔, 海洋与地球科学, (PURS)拉斐特河水质和清晰度的高频观测, 诺福克 Va; bet8体育娱乐入口, $10,000.00.

方虎,数学 & 统计数据, TD-Fast (Time Domain Fast Acoustic Scattering Toolkit) Improvements and Applications; National Institute of Aerospace Associates, $82,596.00.

RUMIT卡卡尔, 康复科学学院, RESEARCH处 Summer RESEARCH Fellowship Program: Effects of Menopause on Injury Risk in Female Runners; bet8体育娱乐入口, $7,000.00.

凯尔·兰伯特,化学 & Biochemistry (PURS) Metal-Free and Environmentally Benign Oxidants for Disulfide Bond Formation; bet8体育娱乐入口, $10,000.00.

拉斐尔为, 迪安工程, VA-NC Louis Stokes Alliance For Minority Participation 2017-2022; University of Virginia, $20,000.00.

田罗, Stem Ed/Prof . Std, 支持ing Underrepresented Minorities in Stem Education: Implementing Pogil Into an Engineering Course in An HBCU Context; bet8体育娱乐入口, $6,000.00.

安妮·米切莱克,通讯障碍 & 特殊的建造, (SRFP) Deepening the Divide: Covid-19'S 影响 on Education and Social Emotional 学习 in Juvenile Detention; bet8体育娱乐入口, $7,000.00.

龚南空,电气 & 计算机中, Crest Center for Renewable Energy and Advanced Materials (CREAM); 诺福克 State University, $10,000.00.

ANDREI PAKHOMOV, Med Diag报道 & 反式Sci, 奥尔加PAKHOMOVA, Mechanisms Underlying the Sensitivity of Smooth Muscle Cells To NPS; Pulse Biosciences (Electroblate), $250,000.00.

YIANNIS PAPELIS, VMASC, Commonwealth Center of Innovation for 自治系统 (C2Ias); Virginia Polytechnic Institute & 州立大学,5万美元.00.

杰西卡·里奇, 大学图书馆, Stories of Survival: Digitalizing Oral Histories in The Michael D'Orso Collection on The Rosewood Massacre; Society of American Archivists, $2,275.00.

JANE ROITSCH,通讯障碍 & 特殊的建造, (SRFP) The Relationship Between Executive Functions and Falls in 健康y Elderly Adults and Persons with Parkinsonism; bet8体育娱乐入口, $6,000.00.

卡洛琳拉特里奇, 护理, LORRI BIRKHOLZ, 戴安娜卡塔赫纳, 凯伦·希金斯, 古斯汀蒂娜, CHRISTIANNE奈斯比特, 高级执业注册护士-行为健康, Interprofessional, 领导, And Telehealth (APRN-BILT) Project for Addressing the Crisis in Rural and Underserved Populations; US 公共卫生 服务 (健康 资源 and 服务s 政府- HRSA), $500,000.00.

玛丽沙, 弗吉尼亚太空资助协会, Plant the Moon; bet8体育娱乐入口, $7,000.00.

玛丽沙, 弗吉尼亚太空资助协会, University 信息 Exchange Space Project; MITRE Corporation, $10,000.00.

西尔维娅SHANGANI, 公共卫生学院, (SRFP) Sociodemographics Disparities in Covid-19 Testing and Interest in Covid-19 Vaccination in the US; bet8体育娱乐入口, $6,000.00.

渝中区沈, 计算建模与仿真工程“,, (PURS) Rapid Development Of 3D Virtual Labs for Science and Engineering Education; bet8体育娱乐入口, $10,000.00.

萨钦谢蒂, 计算建模与仿真工程“,, 网络安全 Monitoring and Assurance Training Program for Safe and Secure Port Operations; bet8体育娱乐入口, $150,000.00.

萨钦谢蒂, 计算建模与仿真工程“,, 谭勒, Top-Down 5G Networks Security Design and Implementation in Zero-Trust Network Architecture; Virginia Polytechnic Institute & 州立大学,5万美元.00.

泰勒SLOEY, 生物科学, (SRFP) Effect of Increased Inundation and Nutrient Loading on Freshwater Wetland Plant Performance and Ecosystem Functioning; bet8体育娱乐入口, $7,000.00.

凯瑟琳·史密斯,VMASC,拉斐尔·迪亚兹,杰西卡·约翰逊,约瑟夫·科斯特兹科,伊拉克:DSB M&S Development and Lab 支持; bet8体育娱乐入口, $73,001.00.

约瑟夫TAMBORSKI, 海洋与地球科学, Lake Sediments in Basaltic Terrains: Implications for Early Diagenetic Processes on Mars; LB Johnson Space Flight Center, $41,607.00.

约瑟夫TAMBORSKI, 海洋与地球科学, (SRFP) Groundwater Discharge in The Lafayette River Estuary; bet8体育娱乐入口, $6,840.00.

你VANDECAR-BURDIN, 社会科学RESEARCH中心, 兰迪GAINEY, 杰西大富翁, 2021 Life in Hampton Roads Survey; bet8体育娱乐入口, $25,000.00.

你VANDECAR-BURDIN, 社会科学RESEARCH中心, 精神卫生统计改进计划(MHSIP) & Youth 服务s Survey for Families (YSS-F) Surveys; Virginia Department of Behavioral 健康 and Developmental 服务s, $40,000.00.

普里亚·瓦什特,通讯 & Theatre 艺术, Hunton Y: A Hope for Change; bet8体育娱乐入口, $10,000.00.

普里亚·瓦什特,通讯 & 戏剧艺术,(SRFP)到目前为止,bet8体育娱乐入口,6000美元.00.



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