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奖助金 & 2018年4月合同

塞巴斯蒂安·巴瓦布,机械部 & 航空航天英格, Advanced Manufacturing Methods for Composite Airframes; National Institute of Aerospace Associates, $26,121.00.

简布雷, 教育学院院长办公室, 盖尔·迪金森, 杨晨SOMMERFELDT, 贾尼斯安德伍德, Teacher Residency Partnership FY18 Supplemental Award; Virginia Department of Education via bet8体育娱乐入口 Ledger V, $138,350.00.

杰罗姆BRINKER, 企业创新中心, Commercialization-Phase I: Define Product Definition and Preliminary Feasibility Analysis-GPS Vehicle Tracker; LPR 公司., $7,500.00.

杰罗姆BRINKER, 企业创新中心, Lean Principles Workshop; Plasser American Corporation, $4,500.00.

杰罗姆BRINKER, 企业创新中心, ISO 9001: 2015 Transition 支持; Tabet Manufacturing, $1,400.00.

STEPHEN BUELTMANN, 物理, MOSKOV AMARYAN, 盖尔·道奇, 查尔斯·海德, 塞巴斯蒂安·库恩, 劳伦斯·温斯坦, Quarks To Nuclei; US Department of Energy, $862,000.00.

克里斯托弗•卡特, VSGC, 玛丽沙, Provide Geospatial 支持 服务s Student Internships to Midland Joint Venture Through the Commonwealth Stem Industry Internship Program (CSIIP); Midland Geospatial 支持 服务s Joint Venture, $28,718.00.

安东尼·迪安, 工程与技术学院院长办公室, 拉斐尔为, VUKICA约万诺维奇, 事务部门主管KIM SIBSON, 辛西娅TOMOVIC, A Pathway to Completion for 退伍军人 Pursuing Engineering and Engineering 技术 Degrees; National Science Foundation, $995,821.00.

赫克托耳加西亚, VMASC, BRATISLAV CVIJETIC, KRZYSZTOF RECHOWICZ, Naval Special Warfare Command 建模 and Simulation Programs; Naval Special Warfare Development Group, $40,000.00.

罗斯戈尔, VMASC, MENION CROLL, 巴里这时警报声响起, 希拉·弗拉纳根, Proactive Cyber Security Data-Driven Assessment Tool: Phase 3; G2 Ops 全球 公司., $12,000.00.

吴贺,信息技术 & 决策科学, DARRYL AMASON, (吴, 春生鑫, ODU Gencyber Teacher Camp; National Security Agency, $62,184.00.

工程管理拉斐尔·兰德塔 & 系统中, Engineering Early Advantage Program (EEAP) 2018; Virginia Space Grant Consortium, $10,000.00.

MELANI寂寞芳心, 教育合作中心, 乔安娜·加纳, Knowledge Through Experience for Youth in Science; Virginia Department of Education, $23,925.00.

玛丽沙, VSGC, NASA Virginia Aerospace Science and 技术 Scholars VASTS; National Aeronautics and Space 政府, $43,130.00.

马修·施密特,海洋,地球 & 大气科学, Collaborative RESEARCH: Atmospheric CO2 and the Relationship to Millennial Changes in Atmospheric and Oceanic Circulation in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific Ocean Over the Past 100 Years; National Science Foundation, $274,448.00.

安德烈斯·索萨-波扎,工程管理 & 系统中, 查尔斯·丹尼尔斯, 玛丽亚PAZOS-LAGO, 塞萨尔平托, MAMADOU不生产的, 凯瑟琳•史密斯, Program Management 支持; CACI, 公司. (联邦),46865美元.38.

春生鑫,电器 & 计算机中, EAGER: A Beamforming Optimization Framework for Large Scale mmWave Networks; National Science Foundation, $16,000.00.

春生鑫,电器 & 计算机中, 吴他, 布莱恩·佩恩, SHANA PRIBESH, (吴, Improving the Success of Low-公司ome Students in a 网络安全 Program; National Science Foundation, $1,000,000.00.



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