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奖助金 & 6月份合同 & 2013年7月

RESEARCH基金会宣布2013年6月和7月的赠款和合同如下. 奖励金额是整个资助期的预期总额. 该清单不包括补充剂, 对现有赠款或合同的修改或其他更改. 对于多于一名调查员的奖项, 列出的第一个教员是首席RESEARCH员.

NATHANIEL APATOV, nursing, "HRSA Nurse Anesthetist Traineeship Grant"; U.S. 卫生和公众服务部,11 355美元.

米歇尔AUDETTE, 电气与计算机工程, "Development of a Patient-Specific Spine 建模 and Surgery Simulation"; Jeffress RESEARCH 奖助金 Program, $100,000.

拉里·阿特金森, 海岸物理海洋学中心, "Mid-Atlantic Regional Association Coastal Ocean Observing System" and "Supplement Proposal for the MACAROOS Project"; State University of New Jersey, $133,40美元和33美元,641.

凯瑟琳BANKS-BERRY, 赫克托·加西亚和梅尼恩·克罗尔, 维吉尼亚建模, 分析与仿真中心, "Blood Management App"; Eastern Virginia Medical School, $20,000.

头盔BAUMGART, 电气与计算机工程, "支持 for 2013 VMEC Summer Scholar Program"; University of Virginia, $2,000.

赫尔穆特•BAUMGART, GON NAMKOONG和哈尼族ELSAYED-ALI, 电气与计算机工程, "Advanced Nano-Architecture for High Efficiency Energy Convergence Systems"; Center for Innovative 技术, $100,000.

PETER BERNATH, 化学与生物化学, "Infrared Absorption Cross Sections for the Outer Planets"; NASA Stennis Space Center, $429,267.

杰罗姆BRINKER, ODU业务网关, 精益原则培训课程," "Product Development Strength Testing Program - Aetna Wire" and "Product Development Project - Aetna Wire"; private sponsors, $6,000, $14,900美元和6美元,350. 也, "Fabrication Management and Operational Innovation and Growth 支持 (Bauer Compressors)"; private sponsors, $22,700.

KENT CARPENTER, 生物科学, "Haas Foundation Award"; bet8体育娱乐入口, $100,000. 也, "Marine Biodiversity and Ecological Threat Patterns in the Arabian Gulf: Applied RESEARCH for Marine Conservation"; Qatar University, $40,800.

杰米COLWELL, 教与学, "Connecting Readers in Online Book 俱乐部: An Expansion of a Summer Reading Program at the Virginia Beach Public Library"; Dollar General Literacy Foundation, $1,200.

SHIRSHAK DHALI和SYLVAIN MARSILLAC, 电气与计算机工程, "Smart Combiner for Residential Photovoltaic Systems"; Center for Innovative 技术, $75,000.

SAIKOU DIALLO和ANTHONY BARRACO, 维吉尼亚建模, 分析与仿真中心, “ARCIC, IGS 支持 RFP Revision #2 Response"; Cubic Applications Inc., $173,428.

弗雷德里克·多布斯, 海洋, 地球与大气科学, "Maritime Environmental Resource Center - Continuation 资金"; University of Maryland, $30,000.

哈尼族ELSAYED-ALI, 电气与计算机工程, "Scanning Electron Microscopy and Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy Studies of High Current Conductors"; Unitech Inc., $1,447. 也, "Transmission Electron Microscopy Analysis of Nanoparticles and Nanosheets"; NASA Langley RESEARCH Center, $5,000. 也, Multifunctional Nanotube Composites"; National Institute of Aerospace Associates, $5,000.

亚历克斯·古列维奇和让·德拉延, 物理, "Investigation of New Superconducting Materials for the Next Generation High-Gradient RF Cavities for Particle Accelerators"; U.S. 能源部,1美元.4.65亿年.

霍莉·汉德利和阿里尔·平托, 工程管理, "System Architecture RESEARCH Program"; Exostrategies Inc., $84,000.

理查德·海勒, 弗兰克·雷迪生物电学中心, "Immunotherapy for Melanoma"; OncoSec Medical Inc., $46,356. 也, "Interference Electroporation"; ONCOSEC Medical Inc., $42,626. 也, "Interleukin-12 Expression Analysis of Clinical Samples and Plasmid Stability Samples"; ONCOSEC Medical Inc., $75,094.

理查德·海勒, 穆罕默德·马利克和卡尔·舍恩巴赫, 弗兰克·雷迪生物电学中心, "Efficient Diesel Exhaust Remediation Using a Nonthermal Plasma Reactor"; Center for Innovative 技术, $99,471.

汗IFTEKHARUDDIN, 电气与计算机工程, "Collaborative RESEARCH: High Performance Cellular Simultaneous Recurrent Network Based Pattern Recognition"; National Science Foundation, $253,369.

ASAD KHATTAK, 土木与环境工程, "Reducing Energy Use and Emissions Through Innovative Technologies and Communities Designs: Methodology and Application in Virginia"; Center for Innovative 技术, $100,000.

SANDEEP库马尔, 土木与环境工程, "Evaluating the Stability of Composite Materials in Supercritical Water Oxidation Medium"; VAST Sustainability LLC, $2,500.

院长KRUSIENSKI, 电气与计算机工程, "HCC: Medium: Control of Robotic Manipulator Via a Brain-Computer Interface"; National Science Foundation, $48,195.

画的乡下人, 机械与航空航天工程, "In-Situ Calibration Load System Assessment - Modification 2"; National Institute of Aerospace Associates, $9,893. 也, "High Reynolds Number Above Active Blowing Semi-Span Force Measurement System Assessment and Development"; NASA, $2,398.

GANGFENG马, 土木与环境工程, “合作RESEARCH:波的相互作用。, Tidal Currents and River Outflows and Their Effects on the Delivery and Resuspension of Sediments in the Near Field"; National Science Foundation, $116,289.

库尔特·马利, 计算机科学, "ABS Enterprise 服务s Group Technologist Network RESEARCH"; ABS Enterprise 服务s Group, $26,460.

HAROLD MARSHALL, 生物科学, "VDEQ 525821 Supplement"; Virginia Water Control Board, $6,004. 也, “评估浮游植物组成丰度的数据需求。, Biomass and HAB Relationships to CHLA Criteria of the James River Estuary (Including the Elizabeth and Lafayette Rivers) 2013-2014"; $82,929.

弗雷德里克·麦肯齐, 建模, 仿真与可视化工程, "Physical Simulator for Nuss Procedure Training"; Children's Hospital of The King's Daughters, $5,000.

塔米肯, 咨询和人文服务, 和爱德华·希尔, 人体运动科学, "21st Century Community 学习 Centers - After the Bell and CARE Now Programs at Blair Middle School" and "21st Century Community 学习 Centers - After the Bell and CARE Now Programs at Lafayette-Winona"; city of 诺福克 $51,42美元和51美元,042.

玛格丽特穆赫兰, 海洋, 地球与大气科学, "Environmental Factors Promoting Algal Blooms in the Lower James River Estuary - Year 2 Continuation 资金"; Virginia Department of Environmental Quality, $60,586.

温和的多纳迪姆, 计算机科学, "Student Travel Grant for MobiSys 2013"; National Science Foundation, $20,000.

MICHAEL NELSON, 计算机科学, "Enhanced Memento 支持 for Mediawiki"; Andrew W. 梅隆基金会,25000美元.

克里斯托弗·奥斯古德, 生物科学, RET酪氨酸激酶的功能获得突变是否为精原干细胞提供了选择优势? Investigating the Origins of Hereditary Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 2B"; Virginia Academy of Science, $1,500.

扬尼斯·帕佩利斯和提到的卷轴, 维吉尼亚建模, 分析与仿真中心, "Summer STEM Experience in Unmanned Aerial Vehicles"; Bosh 全球 服务s Inc., $2,000.

DESH RANJAN, 计算机科学, "Student Internships at Liberty Tax"; Liberty Tax 服务, $29,998.

杰瑞·罗伯逊, ODU业务网关, "退伍军人 Business Outreach Center"; Small Business 政府, $150,000.

玛丽沙, 弗吉尼亚太空资助协会, "LARSS 2011-12 Administrative Funds"; National Institute of Aerospace Associates, $54,481. 也, "FY14 Virginia Space Coast Scholars Program"; bet8体育娱乐入口, $320,000. 也, "FY14 Building Leader for Advancing Science and 技术"; University of Virginia, $218,000. 也, "FY14 Commonwealth STEM Industry Internship Program"; Virginia Tech, $300,000.

迈克尔斯泰西, 雷迪生物电学中心, "Dielectric Properties of Chondrocytes in a Changing Environment"; U.S. 公共卫生服务,192 373美元. 合伙人是尤尔根·科尔布, 电气与计算机工程, 阿里·贝斯克, 机械与航空航天工程.

CHARLES SUKENIK, 物理, "JSA Fellowship - Christian Shultz, 2013-14"; Jefferson Lab, $14,000.

马里亚纳SZKLO-COXE, Community和环境卫生, "Epidemiology of Sleep-Disordered Breathing in Adults"; University of Wisconsin, $15,000.

你VANDECAR-BURDIN, 社会科学RESEARCH中心, 还有STEPHEN TONELSON, 沟通障碍和特殊教育, "Norfolk MHC Evaluation Strategy"; city of 诺福克 $14,992.

邦妮·范鲁南, 人体运动科学, "Functional Evaluation to Predict Lower Extremity Musculoskeletal Injury"; Ohio State University, $8,186.

埃里克·沃尔特斯, 生物科学, "Habitat Use of Bird Migration Stopover Sites on the Lower Delmarva Peninsula and a Comparison with Radar-based Predictive Models"; Virginia Water Control Board, $33,922. 也, 城市化对鸟类关系的影响, Ticks and Tick-borne Disease Pathogens"; Virginia Academy of Science, $1,250. 也, "Radar Analysis of Bird Migration Stopover Sites on the Delmarva Peninsula and Validation of NEXRAD-Based Predictive Models"; Maryland Department of Natural 资源, $34,800.

MICHELE WEIGLE和STEPHAN OARIU, 计算机科学, "CRS: Small: Collaborative RESEARCH: An architecture for the 紧急 Re-tasking of Wireless Sensor Networks (ALERT)"; National Science Foundation, $16,000.

RICHARD WHITTECAR,海洋、地球和大气科学,《bet8九州登录入口》,S.C. (1:24,000) Quadrangle"; U.S. 地质调查,16,698美元.

JAEWAN YOON, 土木与环境工程, "Evaluation of Spatiotemporal and Attributal Factors Triggering Pipe Failure 事件"; Brown and Caldwell, $4,905.

熙和朱, 人体运动科学, "Effects of the Physical Best Program on Adolescents' Knowledge and Interest in 健康 Related Fitness"; American Alliance for 健康, 体育课, 娱乐和舞蹈RESEARCH协会, $5,000.



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