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奖助金 & 5月份合同 & 2012年6月

RESEARCH基金会宣布2012年5月和6月的赠款和合同如下. 奖励金额是整个资助期的预期总额. 该清单不包括补充剂, 对现有赠款或合同的修改或其他更改. 对于多于一名调查员的奖项, 列出的第一个教员是首席RESEARCH员.

维诺德·阿加瓦尔和加里·瓦格纳, 经济学教授, "Estimate the Economic 影响 of the Coal Industry on the Commonwealth and Hampton Roads"; CSX 运输, $57,000.

拉里·阿特金森, 海洋教授和杰出Academics, 地球与大气科学, "CIT Vessel Tracking Supplement"; Center for Innovative 技术, $7,000.

赫尔穆特•BAUMGART, 电子与计算机工程教授, "Continuation of Ultraefficient Thermoelectric Devices II"; Microxact Inc., $31,000. 也, "VMEC Scholar Intern Program"; University of Virginia, $10,450.

弗雷德BAYERSDORFER, 院长的艺术助理, 文学艺术学院, 和约翰·麦克马纳斯, 英语助理教授, "Words with Teeth: 35th Annual bet8体育娱乐入口 文学节"; Virginia Commission on the 艺术, $2,000.

OKTAY BAYSAL, 迪安, 弗兰克·巴顿工程技术学院, "ODU Engineering's Participation in the Naval Education Consortium"; University of Michigan Department of Parks and 娱乐, $125,000. 合伙人是:德鲁·兰德曼, 机械与航空航天工程教授; STEVEN WALK, assistant 工程技术教授; VERMA阿, 工程技术教授; ANTHONY DEAN, assistant 工程技术教授; HAN BAO, 机械与航空航天工程教授; MILTIADIS KOTINIS, assistant 机械与航空航天工程教授; and GENE HOU, 机械与航空航天工程教授.

罗宾·布鲁姆, 哲学和宗教RESEARCH助理教授, "Examining the Philosophy Underlying the Science of Moral Behavior"; National Endowment for the Humanities, $6,000.

约瑟夫·布拉德利, 首席RESEARCH科学家, 国家系统工程中心, "支持 of NNS CVN 78 Early 服务 Life Plan Development"; Northrop Grumman, $26,500.

马克·巴特勒, 生物科学教授和杰出Academics, "支持 for the Annual Benthic Ecology Meeting at ODU"; University of Maryland, $1,500. 也, "'Beneath the Waves' Film Festival and Workshop"; Virginia Institute of Marine Science, $2,000.

克里斯·卡特, 副主任, 弗吉尼亚太空资助协会, "VA STEM Connect"; Longwood University, $55,053.

安吉拉ECKHOFF, 助理教授, 和凯瑟琳·克西, 教授, 教与学, "Collaborative 支持 and 学习: An Early Childhood Teacher 学习 Community"; National Education Association Foundation, $5,000.

哈尼族ELSAYED-ALI, 电子及电脑工程教授及杰出Academics, "High Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy of Nanoparticles"; NASA Langley RESEARCH Center, $5,000.

巴里这时警报声响起, RESEARCH副教授, 维吉尼亚建模, 分析与仿真中心, "ICS Cyber Conference"; White Hot Security Inc., $57,125. 也, SOLOMON SHERFEY报道, 高级项目科学家, VMASC, "Hurricane Evacuation Encouragement Demonstrator (HEED) Prototype"; Virginia Department of 紧急 Management, $50,000.

BEVERY福布斯, 体验式教育项目主任, 职业生涯管理中心, "Engineering Early Advantage Program for 女性 2012"; 弗吉尼亚太空资助协会, $10,000.

帕特里克孵卵器, 化学和生物化学教授, "Reactivity and Chemical Characterization of Dissolved Organic Matter from Natural and Anthropogenic Sources Determined by Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry"; National Oceanic and Atmospheric 政府, $20,000.

马克•哈维, 物理学教授和杰出Academics, "Disorder Effects in Ultracold Atomic Physics"; National Science Foundation, $5,000.

马修•霍克, 助理教授, 约书亚WEINHANDL, 助理教授, 和邦妮·范鲁南, 副教授, 人体运动科学, "Plantar Stimulation for Adults with Chronic Ankle Instability"; American College of 体育 Medicine, $4,999.

艾琳·霍夫曼和约翰·克林克, 教授, 海洋, 地球与大气科学, "Development of a Theoretical Basis for 建模 Disease Processes in Marine Invertebrates"; National Science Foundation, $1,280,133.

凯萨琳LEVINGSTON, 心理咨询和人类服务助理教授, "Student 退伍军人 Association Grant"; 给 an Hour Inc., $17,000.

库尔特·马利, 计算机科学教授和杰出Academics, "Mobile Office RESEARCH and Development"; Mind Matters LLC, $2,646.

SYLVAIN MARSILLAC, 副教授, 还有SHIRSHAK DHALI, 教授, 电气与计算机工程, "Installation of a Roof-top Tracking Photovoltaic System at bet8体育娱乐入口"; Trabant Solar, $220,000.

TIMOTHY MOTLEY,生物科学副教授,“论文RESEARCH:蛇舌草. 亚洲的茜草科植物:系统发育, Character Evolution and Biogeography"; National Science Foundation, $14,541.

迈克尔·纳尔逊, 计算机科学副教授, "Doctoral Consortium at 2012 ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital 库; National Science Foundation, $15,930.

诺拉NOFFKE, 海洋副教授, 地球与大气科学, EAGER(探索性RESEARCH早期概念资助):RESEARCH地球最古老的环境和生物圈的新方法:潮汐, Shelf and Deep Ocean Habitats in the >3.7 GA ISUA Greenstone Belt, Greenland"; National Science Foundation, $14,400.

安德烈PAKHOMOV, RESEARCH教授, 和OLGA PAKHOMOVA, RESEARCH副教授, 弗兰克·雷迪生物电学中心, “DEBR计划, 任务订单7":通用动力公司, $304,984.

YIANNIS PAPELIS, RESEARCH教授, 维吉尼亚建模, 分析与仿真中心, "Investigation of a networked Validation Environment for Distributed Air/Ground NextGen Concepts"; National Institute of Aerospace Associates, $65,788. 协办人是VMASC高级项目科学家MENION CROLL. 也, "Navigation System 建模 and Simulation"; WR Systems Ltd., $250,000. 合作伙伴是:MENION roll, 高级项目科学家, VMASC; JIM LEATHRUM, 副教授, 建模, simulation and visualization engineering; ROLAND MIELKE, 教授, MSVE; and YUZHONG SHEN, 副教授, MSVE.

安德里亚PARODI, RESEARCH副教授, 维吉尼亚建模, 分析与仿真中心, "A Theoretically Driven Investigation of the Efficacy of an Immersive Interactive Avatar Rich Virtual Environment in Pre-Deployment Nursing Knowledge and Teamwork Skills Training"; Army Medical RESEARCH and Materials Command, $1,999,893. 合作伙伴是:MENION roll, 高级项目科学家, VMASC; YIANNIS PAPELIS, RESEARCH教授, VMASC; and GINGER WATSON, STEM教育与专业RESEARCH副教授.

詹姆斯·保尔森, 心理学讲师, "Novel Approach to Treatment Behavior Disorders Among School-aged Children with ASD"; Eastern Virginia Medical School, $7,223.

阿里尔平托, 工程管理助理教授, 迈克尔·麦克沙恩, 金融学助理教授, "Development of 本科 Modules to Increase Business and Engineering Students' Understanding of How Loss Prevention Engineering Helps Effectively Manage Risk"; Spencer Foundation, $50,000.

比利里德, 执行董事, 弗吉尼亚商业太空飞行管理局, "Government Launches Conducted at the Wallops Flight Facility"; NASA Goddard 航天 Center, $288,955.

LYNN RIDINGER,人类运动科学副教授,“为什么要吹口哨? Exploring the Psychological Connection of Sport Officials"; North American Society for 体育 Management, $3,300.

玛丽沙, 弗吉尼亚太空资助联盟的主任, "Innovations to Virginia Aerospace Science and 技术 Scholars"; NASA, $300,000.

加里SCHAFRAN, 土木与环境工程教授, "Extension of Project 712421"; Ostara Nutrient Recovery Technologies Inc., $2,061.

约翰SOKOLOWSKI, 执行董事, 维吉尼亚建模, 分析与仿真中心, "服务 for Off Site 支持 of L6SC Training Room Space for Code 100PI3"; NAVSUP Fleet 物流 Center 诺福克 $625. 也, "2nd Contract for Off Site 支持 of L6SC Training Room Space"; NAVSUP Fleet 物流 Center 诺福克 $8,000.

吉姆SWANSON, 生物科学教授, 和舒萧, 电子与计算机工程助理教授, "In Vivo Nanosecond Electric Stimuli for Non-lethal Immobilization: Finding a Reversible Optimized Maximum"; Office of Naval RESEARCH, $486,241.

VERMA阿, 工程技术教授, "Network to Enhance Content-focused 教学 (VA STEM Connect)"; Longwood University, $62,060.

舒萧, 助理教授 , 和卡尔·舍恩巴赫, 杰出Academics,名誉教授, 电气与计算机工程, “DEBR计划, Task Order 6"; General Dynamics, $279,999.

理查德·齐默尔曼, 海洋教授, 地球与大气科学, 气候变化对大叶藻(Zostera Marina L)光保护机制和碳分配的潜在影响.)"; Virginia Institute of Marine Science, $35,319.



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