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University Relations Gradient

Grants & Contracts for April 2012

The Research Foundation announces the following grants and contracts for April 2012. Award amounts are totals expected for the entire funding period. The list does not include supplements, modifications or other changes to existing grants or contracts. For awards that have more than one investigator, the first faculty member listed is the principal investigator.

FRANCIS BADAVI, research associate of mathematics and statistics, "Development of a Detailed Model for Low Earth Orbit Radiation Environment and Its Direct Application to the Space Radiation Transport Analysis"; NASA, $230,492.

MARK BUTLER, professor and Eminent Scholar of biological sciences, "The Ecological and Epidemiological Consequences of Casitas in the Florida Lobster Fishery"; University of Florida, $37,577.

MECIT CETIN, assistant professor of civil and environmental engineering, "Subcontract: Translive UTC Tier 1"; University of Idaho, $40,000.

CHUNG HAO CHEN, assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering, "Object Retrieval Using Autonomous Unmanned Aerial Vehicles"; Virginia Space Grant Consortium, $10,000.

JEAN DELAYEN, professor of physics, "Development of a Multi-Spoke Cavities for Light Sources"; Niowave Inc., $75,000.

FRED DOBBS, professor of ocean, earth and atmospheric sciences, "Maritime Environmental Resource Center"; University of Maryland, $34,000.

HANI ELSAYED-ALI, professor and Eminent Scholar of electrical and computer engineering, "Studies of Boron Nitride Nanotubes by Transmission Electron Microscopy"; Jefferson Lab, $2,500.

ROBERT GABLE, professor and Eminent Scholar, and STEVE TONELSON, professor, communication disorders and special education, "Preschool Services - Special Education Training and Technical Assistance Center for Regions 2 and 3, 2011-2013"; Virginia Department of Education, $436,990.

KHAN IFTEKHARUDDIN, professor of electrical and computer engineering, "Multifunction-Fractal Modeling for Brain Tumor Detection"; U.S. Public Health Service, $347,786. 也, "Subcontract: Translive UTC Tier 1"; University of Idaho, $40,000.

RAVINDRA JOSHI, professor and Eminent Scholar of electrical and computer engineering, "Extension of Electrostatic Active Space Radiation Shielding for Deep Space Missions"; NASA Langley Research Center, $27,000. 也, "Developing a New Graduate Course for Engineering: Numerical Methods and Mathematical Model-based Analysis for Engineering and the Physical Sciences"; Virginia Space Grant Consortium, $10,000.

MICHELLE KELLEY, professor, and MATT HENSON, assistant professor, psychology, "Anchoring Estimates of Alcohol Use with Normative Feedback"; U.S. Public Health Service (NIH), $42,843.

ASAD KHATTAK, professor of civil and environmental engineering, "Subcontract: Translive UTC Tier 1"; University of Idaho, $200,000 and $240,000. Co-PIs are MECIT CETIN, assistant professor of civil and environmental engineering, and MIKE ROBINSON, research assistant professor, Virginia Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Center.

JIANG LI, assistant professor, and RICK MCKENZIE, professor, modeling, simulation and visualization engineering, "Non-intrusive Hazardous Pilot Cognitive State Assessment via Semi-supervised Deep Learning"; Intelligent Automation Inc., $20,000.

RICK MCKENZIE, professor of modeling, simulation and visualization engineering, and SEBASTIAN BAWAB, professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering, "Haptic-enabled Simulator for a Nuss Procedure Planner and Trainer"; Children's Surgical Specialty Group Inc., $285,000.

TAMMI MILLIKEN, assistant professor of counseling and human services, "CARE Now Lafayette-Winona"; city of Norfolk, $51.657.

MANWO NG, assistant professor, Virginia Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Center, "Subcontract: Translive UTC Tier 1"; University of Idaho, $40,000.

ANDREA PARODI, research associate professor, Virginia Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Center, "LIVES and Sim Lab (Laboratory for Investigation, Validation and Verification of Emerging Simulators"; Eastern Virginia Medical School, $50,000. Co-PIs are SAIKOU DIALLO, research assistant professor, VMASC; MARK SCERBO, professor of psychology; YIANNIS PAPELIS, research professor, VMASC; and HECTOR GARCIA, senior project scientist, VMASC.

ARIEL PINTO, assistant professor of engineering management, and LARRY ATKINSON, professor and Eminent Scholar, Center for Coastal Physical Oceanography, "Hampton Roads Adaptation Forum: Knowledge Management Network to Spur Innovation and Adoption of Adaptation Best Practices"; Virginia Institute of Marine Science, $70,000.

ANATOLY RADYUSHKIN, professor and Eminent Scholar of physics, "Topics in Theoretical Nuclear Physics"; U.S. Department of Energy, $145,000. Co-PIs from physics are: IAN BALITSKY, professor; WALLACE VAN ORDEN, professor and Eminent Scholar; ROCCO SCHIAVILLA, professor and Eminent Scholar; and JOSEF DUDEK, assistant professor.

JERRY ROBERTSON, associate vice president, ODU Business Gateway, "Veterans Business Outreach Center - Year 3"; Small Business Administration, $160,000.

MIKE ROBINSON, research assistant professor, Virginia Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Center, "Subcontract: Translive UTC Tier 1"; University of Idaho, $40,000.

JOHN SOKOLOWSKI, executive director, Virginia Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Center, "Tech Support to GZD Dahlgren"; Naval Surface Weapons Center, $148,000.

LINDA VAHALA, associate dean, Frank Batten College of Engineering and Technology, "Topics in Plasma Physics"; U.S. Department of Energy, $10,000.

TANCY VANDECAR-BURDIN, associate director of the Social Science Research Center, "American Association of Affirmative Action - Web Survey"; American Association of Affirmative Action, $3,641.

LEPSHA VUSKOVIC, professor and Eminent Scholar of physics, "Plasma Processing of SRF Cavities for the Next Generation of Particle Accelerators"; U.S. Department of Energy, $186,000.

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