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你来参观. 韦伯狮子喷泉. 2017年6月1日. 大卫·B. 霍林

Annual Report: 工艺酿造 Provides an “Economic Engine” for 汉普顿道路

As the craft beer movement gained steam across the United States, Virginia was in danger of missing out on the party.

Outdated laws restricting on who could sell beer on premises meant that other parts of the country realized the benefits of a dramatic change in beer drinkers' tastes a decade ago.

This in Virginia changed in 2012 when the General Assembly passed SB 604 (signed by then-Gov. Bob McDonnell, in a brewery no less), which cleared the way for on-site beer sales. This legislation made it more profitable for large and small breweries alike to operate within the state.

Once 汉普顿道路 rolled out the barrel, craft beer boomed in the region.

As detailed in the 2018 State of the Region report, produced by ODU's Dragas Center for Economic Analysis and Policy, the change has been dramatic. Before the passage of SB 604, there were only four craft breweries in 汉普顿道路. By May 1, 2018, that number had increased to 29.

The large number of craft beer openings here mirrors changing consumption patterns of beer lovers. 2011年至2017年, the share of the beer market dedicated to offerings produced by craft brewers — known by the Brewers Association as "small, independent and traditional" — increased from 5.7%至12%.7%.

"Our craft brewery scene is made up primarily of brewpubs and microbreweries, which have continued to thrive in recent years,报告指出. 他们的客户, typically upscale and Caucasian, reflect some of the same ethos that underpins the "buy local" movement in every retail sector. Sales are also encouraged by a "tasting culture" which adds an experiential element to consumption — craft beer aficionados frequently buy the product and drink it onsite.

The craft beer trend has been joined by a new thrust toward craft distilleries, producing small-batch spirits for a niche market. The craft distillery movement still has a way to go to match the enthusiasm for locally brewed beer, 报告指出.

The growth of craft brewing in 汉普顿道路 matches the nationwide expansion of the industry, but the State of the Region report notes it is still uncertain how many breweries the region can support. Green Flash Brewing closed in Virginia Beach this year.

However, the industry shows no signs of disappearing. It's both as an economic engine and an outcome of the region's recent boost in prosperity. Residents appear to be raising a glass - of local craft-brewed beer - to toast their success.



Life in 汉普顿道路 Survey #1: Quality of Life

LIHR has been conducted by the Social Science RESEARCH Center with support from the bet8体育娱乐入口 RESEARCH处 and the 文学院 and 信s since 2010 and is now in its ninth year. (更多)

State of the Region Report

“It’s Morning Again:” ODU Economists Offer Positive Outlook for Hamptons Roads

bet8体育娱乐入口 economists Robert McNab and Vinod Agarwal said the region is experiencing an economic resurgence and has mostly recovered from the recession that began in 2008 during the 19th State of the Region Report. (更多)

Cover of the 2018 汉普顿道路 State of the Region report

Annual Report Says 汉普顿道路 Benefitting from Influx of Immigrants

Foreign newcomers have offset the departure of 52,000 other residents in 汉普顿道路 over the past seven years. (更多)



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