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你来参观. 韦伯狮子喷泉. 2017年6月1日. 大卫·B. 霍林

ODU 视觉实验室 Student Part of Team That Finishes Fourth in 全球 Stroke Detection Competition

A team of student researchers from the bet8体育娱乐入口 视觉实验室 and the Virginia Institute of Vision Analysis placed fourth in a recent worldwide competition involving sophisticated methods of separating brain stroke lesions among other similar brain tissues using 计算机视觉, 称为分割. The ODU finish was the highest among American universities.

竞争的加剧, held as part of the Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Interventions (MICCAI) conference in Munich, 德国, pitted 14 teams of student researchers from around the world.

Teams competed in the emerging field of automatic segmentation of ischemic stroke lesion (ISL) volumes. These lesions are generated in the brain just before an acute stroke develops. This experimental technique separates magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) sequences so they can be analyzed for the development of these lesions.

Co-sponsored by 美国niversity of Lubeck (Denmark), Technical University of Munich (德国) and 美国niversity of Bern (Switzerland), the competition challenged teams to segment ISLs from within MRI data.

The Old Dominion team was led by Syed Reza, a Ph.D. student in electrical and computer engineering, whose research interest includes computational modeling and medical image analysis that focuses on automatic segmentation and grading of abnormal lesions and brain tumors in MR images.

Reza's adviser is Khan Iftekharuddin, chair of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and director of the ODU 视觉实验室 and VIVA. The 视觉实验室 has a worldwide track record of success in these competitions, placing third and fourth in recent brain tumor segmentation challenges organized by NCI and MICCAI in Japan and Boston.

“这是一项令人兴奋的工作, and we are proud at the 视觉实验室 and VIVA to be working on a project that could help contribute to the clinical challenge of stroke detection and prevention research at a global scale,伊夫特哈鲁丁说.

Stroke is the second most frequent cause of death in 美国nited States, and a major cause of disability in industrialized countries, 导致高社会经济成本.

Diagnosis of the most common form of stroke, triggered by an incident in the brain known as thrombosis, 包括扫描状态, 位置, extent and evolution of lesions developed from the brain trauma.

An automated method to do that type of analysis of the lesions would support clinicians and researchers, bolstering their findings in the ongoing search for better methods of stroke detection.

The recent competition was conducted in three phases. In the first phase participants were allowed to download the training data for algorithmic tweaking and tuning. Then they evaluated their segmentation performance on the training data and submitted a short paper describing the results and the segmentation method that was used. 终于在挑战的那天, an independent set of test scans were made available and analyzed on the spot by each team, after which the methods were ranked according to their performance.

挑战的结果可以在 http://www.isles-challenge.org/. This research is funded by a National Institutes of 健康 grant (国家卫生RESEARCH院).

bet8体育娱乐入口 Machine Vision and Computational Intelligence Laboratory (视觉实验室) and VIVA researchers focus on developing new algorithms and architectures for real-time applications in the areas of signal processing, 图像处理, 计算机视觉, pattern recognition and biologically inspired object recognition. The lab's work has been recognized by grant-funding agencies for years, particularly the National Sciences Foundation, 国家卫生RESEARCH院, 美国国家航空航天局, 美国.S. 空军和U.S. 海军.

Among the new projects being undertaken by 视觉实验室 and VIVA researchers are collaborative works with EVMS on autism and automated cell image analysis for nano-particle tracking for future targeted drug delivery applications.

11月. 1, Iftekharuddin was appointed to a three-year term as associated editor of the journal IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, one of the world's leading journals in 图像处理 engineering.



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