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你来参观. 韦伯狮子喷泉. 2017年6月1日. 大卫·B. 霍林

奖助金 & 合同于2013年8月和9月签订

RESEARCH基金会宣布了2013年8月和9月的赠款和合同. 奖励金额是整个资助期的预期总额. 该清单不包括补充剂, 对现有赠款或合同的修改或其他更改. 对于多于一名调查员的奖项, 列出的第一个教员是首席RESEARCH员.

赫尔穆特•BAUMGART, 电气与计算机工程, "Fabrication and Characterization of Novel Device Structures to Eliminate Wide Variation in Device Performance of Nonvolatile Resistive Memories"; National Institute of Standards and 技术, $40,000.

弗雷德里克BAYERSDORFER, 文学艺术学院, "36th Annual 文学节 - Norfolk Commission on the 艺术"; city of 诺福克 $1,150.

JEROME BRINKER, ODU业务网关,"Bauer压缩机公司. 2013 ISO 9001: 2008 Quality Management System 支持" and "组织al 领导 Mentoring and Growth Strategy - Hampton Machine Shop"; private sponsors, $3,000, $9,500.

布兰登·巴特勒, 徐永熙和杰米·科尔威尔, 教与学, "Building Literacy in Social Studies"; State Council of Higher Education for Virginia, $54,626.

RAO CHAGANTY, 数学与统计学, "Commonwealth 公共卫生 Training Center"; Eastern Virginia Medical School, $5,000.

NIKOS CHRISOCHOIDES, 计算机科学, "Introducing Next Generation of STEM Students to Mesh 建模 for Simulation and Visualization"; National Science Foundation, $23,394.

MENION CROLL, 维吉尼亚建模, 分析与仿真中心, "建模 and Simulation for Assessing Potential Students"; Virginia STEM Academy, $5,000.

丹尼尔·多尔, 生物科学, "Determination of the Ecological Condition of the Benthic Communities of Money Point"; Elizabeth River Project, $25,000.

CLAIR DORSEY, ODU Business Gateway, "Crater"; Crater Planning District Commission, $129,732. 也, "Small Business 运输 Resource Center"; U.S. 交通部,8289美元.

玛丽ENDERSON, STEM教育和专业RESEARCH, "Virginia Department of Education MASTERI (Mathematics and Science Teacher Education Reform Initiative)"; Virginia Department of Education, $400,000. Co-PIs are: SHARON JUDGE, 达顿教育学院; G. 理查德WHITTECAR, 海洋, 地球与大气科学; and PHILIP REED, 达顿教育学院.

JACQUELINE HINES, Student 服务s, "Student 支持 服务s - 2010-2015 Federal Budget"; U.S. 教育部,1,257,543美元.

SANDEEP库马尔, 土木与环境工程, "Flash Hydrolysis of Microalgae for On-site Nutrients Recovery and Biofuels Production"; U.S. 环境保护署,15000美元.

院长KRUSIENSKI, 电气与计算机工程, "HCC: Medium: Control of Robotic Manipulator Via a Brain-Computer Interface"; National Science Foundation, $48,195.

德鲁·兰德曼和科林·布里彻, 机械与航空航天工程, "Development of an Empirical Model for Rotor Thrust Change Due to Ship Airwake/Rotor Downwash Coupling"; NAVAIR Train System Division, $77,913.

库尔特·马利, 计算机科学, "Resite Online Software Enhancement and RESEARCH Functionality"; Resite Online Inc., $31,500. 也, "SIMIS Continuation 资金 for 724401"; SIMIS Inc., $18,982.

玛格丽特穆赫兰, 海洋, 地球与大气科学, "NASA GEO-CAPE: Primary Productivity in Coastal Waters in the Western Gulf of Mexico"; NASA Goddard 航天 Center, $92,279.

皮拉尔PAZOS-LAGO, 工程管理, "RESEARCH Initiation Grant: Using Modular Scaffolding in Virtual Team Projects to Develop Critical Skills in Engineering Students"; National Science Foundation, $149,875. 合伙人是AMY ADCOCK, STEM教育和专业RESEARCH, 查尔斯·丹尼尔斯, 工程管理.

斯泰西RINGLEB, 机械与航空航天工程, "Engaging Students: Everyday Examples in Engineering (E3S)"; Stevens Institute of 技术, $2,000.

迈克•罗宾逊, 维吉尼亚建模, 分析与仿真中心, "Real-time Evacuation Planning Model - Phase 3"; Virginia Department of 紧急 Management, $330,000. VMASC的合伙人有:PETER FOYTIK, SOLOMON SHERFEY, CRAIG JORDAN和ANDREW COLLINS.

玛丽沙, 弗吉尼亚太空资助协会, " 2011-2013 LARSS Administrative Account"; National Institute of Aerospace Associates, $100,093. 也, "Virginia Space Grant/State Council of Higher Education for Virginia 奖学金"; SCHEV, $245,000.

约瑟夫沃戈, 达顿教育学院, "Troops to Teachers FY14 资金"; Defense Activity for Nontraditional Education 支持, $260,765.

理查德WHITTECAR, 海洋, 地球与大气科学, "Weanack Quarterly Sampling"; Weanack Land Limited Partnerships, $10,080.

基督教ZEMLIN的话来说, 电气与计算机工程, "Identifying NMDA Receptor Interventions for the Treatment of Impaired Sociability in Autism Spectrum Disorders Using an Automated High-Throughput Screening 技术"; Eastern Virginia Medical School, $46,000.

默罕默德·祖拜尔, 计算机科学, "Planning 访问 Proposal in 支持 for High Performance Computing for Econometrics Applications"; National Science Foundation, $12,469.



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