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你来参观. 韦伯狮子喷泉. 2017年6月1日. 大卫·B. 霍林


Grand opening ceremonies for the new bet8体育娱乐入口 Confucius Institute drew a standing-room-only crowd that was treated to Chinese cultural performances and remarks by dignitaries that included President John R. 布罗德里克, a Chinese Embassy official and the vice president of ODU's partner institution, 民族大学.

大约300人参加了周五的活动, 4月19日, 泰德·康斯坦斯集会中心的招待会和仪式. 活动期间, 布罗德里克的讲话由秋瑾冰雹翻译成中文, 孔子学院执行院长.

其他发言者包括:理查德. 程, a former Eminent Professor at ODU; Fang Maotian, 美国教育事务办公室公使参赞.S. Embassy of the People's Republic of China; Norfolk City Councilwoman, 和ODU校友, Angelia Williams; and Ma Wenxi, 现任中央民族大学副校长.

Performances included: ribbon dancers from the Tidewater Chinese School; the world premiere of "Fantasy on Chinese Melodies" by ODU music professor and Eminent Scholar Adolphus Hailstork, which was performed by ODU faculty and students from the Governor's School for the 艺术; and folk dances and martial arts demonstrations by representatives of 民族大学 of China and Capital University of Physical Education and 体育 in Beijing, 分别.

In addition to the unveiling of an official plaque denoting ODU's Confucius Institute, Wenxi presented 布罗德里克 several decorative scrolls with calligraphy painted by 民族大学 faculty members.

在他对听众的讲话中, 布罗德里克指出, 成立孔子学院, ODU加入了一个只有70名美国人的精英团体.S. institutions that includes Stanford University and the College of William and Mary.

"Those who live in southeastern Virginia are hungry for more know knowledge about the history, 文化和中国人民, 布罗德里克说. "Dissemination of new comprehensive and firsthand information is one of the two primary goals of the Confucius Institute program. 我们致力于一个雄心勃勃的事业, externally focused agenda that will substantially deepen and extend this knowledge not only on this campus but also to our region's citizens. Our excitement about this first program objective is exceeded only by the energy we will exert to bring about the Confucius Institute's second major purpose: to establish more Chinese language instruction in neighboring public school systems and with all interested private schools as well.

随着科技征服了曾经将我们分开的物理距离, 对话将面对面进行. 我们越了解对方, 关于彼此, 我们在理解上的共同点将会越来越大,他接着说. “大学是孔子学院的理想场所. 作为世界各国的桥梁建设者, we seek to strengthen the bonds of friendship and understanding and to foster appreciation for other cultures. Working toward that end, the hope is we can help build a more peaceful and resilient world. The Confucius Institute is a concrete example of an initiative that will help us all reach these goals. Let us applaud its presence at Old Dominion and what it portends for the future of Hampton Roads."

Fang Maotian told the audience that during his tenure with the Chinese Embassy he has traveled to a number of U.S. institutions through educational exchanges and Confucius Institute activities, 但他发现ODU是“最令人印象深刻的”."

“吴丁乌.S. relationship has become one of the most important and dynamic bilateral relations in the world. The two countries are working on almost every area, bilaterally, regionally and globally," he said. “我个人相信,在我们的共同努力下, China and the United States can embark on a new model of state-to-state relationship that teaches peaceful coexistence and win-win cooperation."

闻喜说, 通过翻译, that the Confucius Institute would serve as a bridge to improve cross-cultural communications to promote harmony and development in the world.

“作为美国最著名的大学之一.S., bet8体育娱乐入口 also bears a high reputation in China," he said. "We admire (President 布罗德里克's) foresight to cooperate with Minzu university of China to establish this Confucius Institute so as to make way for the mutual development and educational internationalization of our two universities."

Confucius Institute opening celebrations also included weekend cultural events at Larchmont Elementary School, 在诺福克, 国际儿童节, 在汉普顿市中心, 和塔尔伍德高中, 在弗吉尼亚海滩.

The Confucius Institute will be housed in Dragas Hall, on ODU's Norfolk campus.

孔子学院由国家汉办指定, 中国孔子学院全球总部. ODU was recognized for its strong affiliations with the regional community, 通过其中国中心和亚洲RESEARCH所, in addition to having a strong College of Education program and Chinese language instruction already in place in the 文学院 and 信s.

Confucius Institutes exist for three main purposes: to facilitate the instruction of the Chinese language at the host university and in public and private schools within each institute's geographic area; to impart knowledge of Chinese history, 文学, the arts and other aspects of Chinese culture; and to create, through the promotion of language and understanding of China as a country, partnerships that foster mutual understanding between the United States and China.



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