

贾斯汀一. 海格勒

贾斯汀一. 海格勒, PhD, is a Professor and the 导演 of the Center for Movement, 健康, & 残疾 in the Department of Human Movement Sciences at bet8体育娱乐入口 (Norfolk, VA, 美国). Contextualized within the interdisciplinary field of adapted physical activity, his primary research interests center on exploring how disabled individuals experience physical activity participation, including within school-based physical education contexts. Since joining bet8体育娱乐入口 in 2015, Dr. 海格勒 has amassed over 250 peer-reviewed research publications, as well as several edited or authored texts. He currently serves as the director of 项目雀跃 and the co-director of the MAMC, two adapted physical activity training collaboratives that are funded through the US Department of Education focused on training doctoral scholars in the field. He is also currently the president of the North American Federation of Adapted Physical Activity, and the editor-in-chief for the peer-reviewed publications Quest (2022-2024) and Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly (2023-2025).

联系博士. 海格勒

电子邮件: Jhaegele@eagle1027.com 办公室: 757-683-5338 推特: @justin_haegele




朱希和,博士., is a Professor in the Department of Human Movement Sciences at bet8体育娱乐入口. He obtained his doctorate degree in kinesiology from University of Maryland - College Park. His research focuses on epidemiological, 心理, and pedagogical variables such as physical activity, 与健康有关的体能, 动机, and learning among school-aged children and adolescents. 具体地说, he examines the longitudinal growth and correlates of fitness and knowledge, and interventions and models to promote physical activity and health among a variety of populations, including those with disabilities.


联系博士. 朱

电子邮件: x2zhu@eagle1027.com 办公室:757-683-3545




Ally coordinates two of the CMHD initiates, Camp Webber and the Mighty Monarchs Adapted Sport Program for youth with visual impairments. She is a doctoral student in health and sport pedagogy. 她以B的成绩毕业.S. in Kinesiology from James Madison University in 2012 and a M.S. in Kinesiology and Rehabilitation Science with a focus in Adapted Physical Activity from the University of Hawai'i in 2018. She taught Adapted and General Physical Education in Beaufort, South Carolina for 3 years before returning to school to work on her PhD. Ally has worked at Camp Spark, through the Northwest Association for Blind Athletes, every summer since 2016 and enjoys coaching swimming in her spare time. Her research interests include amplifying the voices of disabled people and improving the physical education experience for all students.


电子邮件: mkeen002@eagle1027.com


Bethany is standing in her graduation cap and gown underneath a tree.


Bethany directs the CMHD initiative, Recreate, Educate, Advocate & Climb Higher (REACH) for youth with Type 1 Diabetes. She is a recent graduate with a Master of Science in Park, 娱乐, and Tourism from bet8体育娱乐入口. 她得了B.A. in 体育 and 娱乐 Management from Virginia Wesleyan University in 2021. Bethany completed research through REACH during her work toward her masters degree. She has attended national conferences and had the opportunity to present with other researchers. Her goal is to continue encouraging self determination for children with Type 1 Diabetes.

Affiliated Doctoral Students

  • 林赛·鲍尔-健康 & 体育教育学
  • Kat Creveling -健康 & 体育教育学
  • 莫妮卡·洛克-健康部 & 体育教育学
  • Sheyla Martinez Rivera - 健康 & 体育教育学