
Welcome to the Lê Planetarium at bet8体育娱乐入口, a beacon of community engagement and educational excellence. Serving as both a dynamic lecture hall and an advanced auditorium, the Lê Planetarium is equipped with state-of-the-art Digistar 7 software for astronomy courses, 3D projection capabilities for proteins and molecules, 以及美国宇航局的“科学在一个球体”太空舱. Our facility also supports live streaming presentations, all projected in stunning 4K resolution on our immersive dome.

Step into our 116-seat planetarium and embark on an awe-inspiring journey through space and time. 远离舒适的长毛绒, 下弯的座位, experience the sensation of soaring through Earth's atmosphere to the furthest reaches of the universe. The Lê Planetarium is truly a remarkable resource for both our students and the broader community.


To create new content for our shows, we have our own production studio. The studio is designed to let creative professionals design and build complete full dome shows outside of the theater. This allows us to easily create content for each grade based on Virginia's Science Standards of 学习.

学生, 教师, and staff have complete artistic control over how to build a show and can do so even while the planetarium dome is in use.

In total, NASA has donated nearly $100,000 worth of surplus equipment to ODU and the Lê Planetarium. Items include pieces of space suits from the 1980s and 1990s, 双子座X号隔热罩的一块, 还有一套完整的飞行服.

Our meteorite collection has been steadily growing since 2017. 超过20美元,成千上万的陨石碎片, our pieces range from the Chelyabinsk impact of 2013 to lunar specimens to a piece of Argentina's Campo Del Cielo weighing 63 pounds!

In honor of the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 Moon landing, we designed and built an interactive display case where you can touch an actual piece of the Moon. This lunar meteorite was once part of the Moon, blasted into space from a large meteor collision, 并最终到达了地球.

To create new content for our shows, we have our own production studio. The studio is designed to let creative professionals design and build complete full dome shows outside of the theater. This allows us to easily create content for each grade based on Virginia's Science Standards of 学习.

学生, 教师, and staff have complete artistic control over how to build a show and can do so even while the planetarium dome is in use.

In total, NASA has donated nearly $100,000 worth of surplus equipment to ODU and the Lê Planetarium. Items include pieces of space suits from the 1980s and 1990s, 双子座X号隔热罩的一块, 还有一套完整的飞行服.

Our meteorite collection has been steadily growing since 2017. 超过20美元,成千上万的陨石碎片, our pieces range from the Chelyabinsk impact of 2013 to lunar specimens to a piece of Argentina's Campo Del Cielo weighing 63 pounds!

In honor of the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 Moon landing, we designed and built an interactive display case where you can touch an actual piece of the Moon. This lunar meteorite was once part of the Moon, blasted into space from a large meteor collision, 并最终到达了地球.


M.S. in Physics - Ball State University, 2009 | M.S. in Astronomy - Indiana University, 2011 | Joined ODU in March of 2012



本科 - 生物医学 Sciences Major

迈克尔和KT Lê

Alumnus Michael Lê is founder and CEO of Advantco 国际, LLC. 他和妻子住在一起, 罗利的Kimthanh(化名KT), 北卡罗莱纳, but he returned to bet8体育娱乐入口 in 2019 to speak to budding entrepreneurs as part of a computer science lecture series. Lê comes from very humble beginnings and he did not shy away from sharing how he ended up at ODU.

His life was capsized after the end of the Vietnam War. Lê fled Vietnam on a boat meant to carry 200 passengers, but it transported 800 refugees from Vietnam to Subic Bay, 菲律宾. Lê然后发现自己在关岛. After weeks of uncertainty Lê was flown to a military post that had been temporarily reoutfitted. "I ended up staying in one of those refugee centers back in 1975, 宾夕法尼亚州印第安镇峡," Lê said "and I was sponsored by a person in the Navy to come to Norfolk, 就在那时我了解了ODU."

As an undergraduate Lê said he worked "four part-time jobs while taking a full course load." Lê graduated from ODU's 理学院 with a Bachelor of Science majoring in computer science in 1980. Thanks to a successful internship, his first job was with IBM in Downtown Norfolk. “我是一名系统工程师见习生." Lê's career catapulted after leaving IBM. 他工作非常努力, he's able to recognize where the gaps exist in technology, and has since founded and sold two multi-million-dollar companies. Lê wanted to give back to the University that helped provide his education, and the new planetarium was that opportunity. It is a facility that will be with the University for decades to come, and educating students and the public alike.

Bruce Hanna, Planetarium Director in the observatory dome

1967年开业, the 40-foot domed planetarium was used by the introductory astronomy classes which were were first implemented at bet8体育娱乐入口 by the late C.S. 舍伍德,三世. It was was utilized as a hub for STEM education and outreach until its retirement in 2021.

The planetarium was named for Miss Mary Denson Pretlow at the request of the anonymous donor who presented the University with the funds to build the planetarium. The University's Board of 访问ors was receptive to naming the building after Miss Pretlow due to her thirty years of service (1917-1947) as head of the Norfolk Public Library as well as her career as a distinguished historian and librarian.

迈克尔和KT Lê

Alumnus Michael Lê is founder and CEO of Advantco 国际, LLC. 他和妻子住在一起, 罗利的Kimthanh(化名KT), 北卡罗莱纳, but he returned to bet8体育娱乐入口 in 2019 to speak to budding entrepreneurs as part of a computer science lecture series. Lê comes from very humble beginnings and he did not shy away from sharing how he ended up at ODU.

His life was capsized after the end of the Vietnam War. Lê fled Vietnam on a boat meant to carry 200 passengers, but it transported 800 refugees from Vietnam to Subic Bay, 菲律宾. Lê然后发现自己在关岛. After weeks of uncertainty Lê was flown to a military post that had been temporarily reoutfitted. "I ended up staying in one of those refugee centers back in 1975, 宾夕法尼亚州印第安镇峡," Lê said "and I was sponsored by a person in the Navy to come to Norfolk, 就在那时我了解了ODU."

As an undergraduate Lê said he worked "four part-time jobs while taking a full course load." Lê graduated from ODU's 理学院 with a Bachelor of Science majoring in computer science in 1980. Thanks to a successful internship, his first job was with IBM in Downtown Norfolk. “我是一名系统工程师见习生." Lê's career catapulted after leaving IBM. 他工作非常努力, he's able to recognize where the gaps exist in technology, and has since founded and sold two multi-million-dollar companies. Lê wanted to give back to the University that helped provide his education, and the new planetarium was that opportunity. It is a facility that will be with the University for decades to come, and educating students and the public alike.

Bruce Hanna, Planetarium Director in the observatory dome

1967年开业, the 40-foot domed planetarium was used by the introductory astronomy classes which were were first implemented at bet8体育娱乐入口 by the late C.S. 舍伍德,三世. It was was utilized as a hub for STEM education and outreach until its retirement in 2021.

The planetarium was named for Miss Mary Denson Pretlow at the request of the anonymous donor who presented the University with the funds to build the planetarium. The University's Board of 访问ors was receptive to naming the building after Miss Pretlow due to her thirty years of service (1917-1947) as head of the Norfolk Public Library as well as her career as a distinguished historian and librarian.