
The 历史系 is grateful to former ODU history major Will Giandoni for his generous support of a series of programs designed to benefit our students.


  1. 本科生奖学金,以吸引主修历史课程的学生;
  2. 本科生参加出国留学活动;
  3. 与教师进行深入的本科研究;
  4. 研究生研究.
  5. 教师研究与教学
  • 留学奖学金截止日期: 2024年1月26日
  • 奖学金申请截止日期: 2024年4月1日
  • 本科生研究奖截止日期: 星期五,2024年5月3日
  • 研究生研究奖截止日期: 星期五,2024年5月3日

*申请人必须在收到资助通知后的六个月内用完. 如果您有任何问题,请发电子邮件


The competitive 奖学金s will encourage excellent undergraduate students to major in 历史 at bet8体育娱乐入口 by defraying undergraduate tuition costs.
  • 每学年最多可获得30,000美元的资助.
  • 所有奖学金将用于支付本科学费.
  • The Giandoni奖 Committee will evaluate all applications for overall academic merit, 之前在历史系的表现, 继续做一名历史系学生.
  • 申请者必须是大二或更高的学生, 谁被录取为历史专业或辅修,累计平均绩点为3.3或以上, and who have taken at least 12 credit hours in the ODU 历史 Department OR completed 9 credit hours in the ODU 历史 Department plus 3 credits in 历史 at another institution. An Advanced Placement (AP) course in history may count towards the 3 credits earned at another institution. 申请人还必须取得令人满意的学业进步(SAP), 由学生经济援助办公室定义.
  • Students must be enrolled for 12+ credits during the semester(s) in which they are to receive the award.
  • Recipients who have not previously taken HIST 201: Historical Methods will be required to take the course during the 奖学金 semester.
  • 申请人可以申请一个或两个学期的支持. Awards will typically be in the amount of $2500 to $5000 but the size and number of awards will be decided at the committee’s discretion.
  • 申请者可以在以后的学期重新申请, 但将优先考虑尚未获得该奖项的优秀学生.
  • ODU’s Office of Student 金融援助 will administer the 詹多尼历史奖学金.
  • 申请人必须在收到奖励通知后的六个月内使用奖励资金.

Please note that accepting a Giandoni Scholarship will NOT affect your Pell Grant eligibility.

The support will significantly defray the cost for 历史系 undergraduate or graduate students for their participation in 出国留学 programs.
  • Awards offer financial assistance in the amount of $1,000 to $5,000 per study-abroad engagement.
  • 每学年最多可获得10,000美元.
  • Award monies will be used for tuition costs, 差旅费用, or other fees related to study abroad. Students will not receive financial assistance to exceed the full cost of a study-abroad engagement. They cannot combine awards with the Center for 全球 Engagement or other funding sources when the total financial assistance would exceed the full cost of a study-abroad engagement.
  • The Giandoni奖 Committee will evaluate all applications for overall academic merit, 之前在历史系的表现, and the stated benefit of study abroad for the student’s current study of history and anticipated career trajectory.
  • Applications may include proposals for the student to participate in short-term study abroad, 一个学期的海外学习, 或由全球参与中心(Center for 全球 Engagement)监督的为期一年的海外学习项目.
  • Applicants must be undergraduate students enrolled in the BA program as a 历史 Major or Minor with a cumulative GPA of 2.8 or higher, or a graduate student enrolled in the MA program with a cumulative GPA of 3.0或更高, making Satisfactory Academic Progress 由学生经济援助办公室定义.
  • 申请人只能获得一次吉安多尼留学奖.
  • ODU’s Office of Student 金融援助 will administer the Giandoni留学奖学金.
  • 申请人必须在收到奖励通知后的六个月内使用奖励资金.
  • Please note that accepting a Giandoni Scholarship will NOT affect your Pell Grant eligibility.

The support will provide a payment to both undergraduate students and their faculty advisors who participate in the 历史系 本科 研究 Program.
  • Awards offer financial assistance in the amount of $1,000 to $3,000 per research proposal.
  • Each award will include a $750 stipend for the full-time faculty member advising the student research, 从总奖励金额中扣除.
  • 每学年最高可获资助9,000美元.
  • 奖学金将用于独立研究的学费(HIST 497), 或类似课程), 差旅费用, 数据库访问, 复印费用, 以及其他与研究相关的支出.
  • The Giandoni奖 Committee will evaluate all applications for overall academic merit, 之前在历史系的表现, 指导老师批准, 并对拟研究项目的实力和可行性进行了分析.
  • Applications may include proposals for student research to be conducted in a single semester, 包括暑期.
  • Applicants must be undergraduate students enrolled in the BA program as a 历史 Major or Minor with a cumulative GPA of 3.3或以上 making Satisfactory Academic Progress 由学生经济援助办公室定义.
  • Previous 本科 研究 Award winners may reapply with a subsequent research proposal, 但将优先考虑尚未获得该奖项的优秀学生.
  • ODU的历史系将管理Giandoni本科生研究奖.
  • Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis until a final deadline at the end of the semester.
  • 申请人必须在收到奖励通知后的六个月内使用奖励资金.
  • 请注意,接受吉安多尼奖不会影响你的佩尔助学金资格.


  • 获奖者必须是本科历史专业的学生.
  • The Giandoni奖 Committee will issue this award to the 历史 Major with the overall top GPA in the undergraduate program at the end of each academic year once Spring grades are submitted. The committee will also take into consideration the number of courses the 历史 Major has taken in the ODU 历史 Department.

该奖项将支持高级研究生在M.A. 课程,同时进行独立研究.

  • 奖学金为每个研究计划提供500至3000美元的经济资助.
  • 每学年最高可获资助6,000元.
  • 奖金将用于差旅费, 数据库访问, 复印费用, 以及其他与研究相关的支出.
  • 吉安多尼奖委员会将对整体学术成绩进行评估, 指导老师批准, 并对拟研究项目的实力和可行性进行了分析.
  • 申请人必须注册历史硕士.A. 平均绩点3分.0或更高. Students without a demonstrable ODU GPA must request a recommendation form from a second ODU faculty member and approval from the 研究生 Program Director.
  • ODU的历史系将管理Giandoni研究生研究奖.
  • Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis until a final deadline at the end of the semester.
  • 申请人必须在收到奖励通知后的六个月内使用奖励资金.
  • 请注意,接受吉安多尼奖不会影响你的佩尔助学金资格.


This award is designed to support the cost of extraordinary expenses related to specific faculty projects (research, 奖学金, 和/或教学). 资金申请以滚动方式接受, but the committee will specifically solicit faculty requests twice during the academic year, 一次在初秋(10月中旬),一次在早春(3月中旬).

作为请求的一部分, 教师将提交一段概述请求的性质和目的, 它与更大项目的关系, 还有一个分项预算. 提供公平和公平的资金使用渠道, 委员会最多只能批准330美元(合5美元),000除以15, (目前的全职教师人数). 在春季期间, the amount awarded will depend on the number of requests received and the remaining funds. 请参阅完整的描述,了解可接受的教师资金用途.