Faculty Expertise

Name Department Email Keywords
Allison, Rinyka - Lecturer of Special Education 人体运动科学 rballiso@eagle1027.com special education law and regulatory practices,  military-connected students with disabilities,  IEP development and implementation,  early childhood special education, 临床主管, 论文研究主席
Ayers, David F.-社区学院领导与高等教育副教授 Educational Foundations and Leadership dayers@eagle1027.com 批判话语研究, 文化政治经济学, 社区学院历史, models of program planning in adult education, critical organization and management studies
约翰·巴基,教学设计与技术副教授 STEM Education & 专业的研究 jbaaki@eagle1027.com 教学设计, human 性能改进, empathic design, 反射正在运行, 形象建设
James Bartlett - CCL和劳动力发展副教授 Educational Foundations and Leadership jbartlet@eagle1027.com Postsecondary Career and Technical Education, Workforce Development and Work-Based Learning, 社区学院和商业/工业合作伙伴关系, 专上职业及技术教育师资招聘, Development, and Retention, 劳动力市场结果, q-methodology, 定量方法
Bartlett, Michelle - Assistant Professor, CCL Educational Foundations and Leadership mbartlet@eagle1027.com 研究方法(定量, Qual, Q-Method), Postsecondary CTE, Leadership, 通用学习设计 in the workplace, 教学设计, Talent Development, HyFlex 
Jonna Bobzien -特殊教育副教授 人体运动科学 jbobzien@eagle1027.com autism, 严重残疾, 低发病率残疾, 改编课程K-12, significant intellectual disabilities
Bol, Linda -教育心理学和项目评估教授 STEM Education & 专业的研究 lbol@eagle1027.com 自主学习、元认知、学习活动、项目评价、研究方法
Brown, Lindy - Lecturer of Library & 信息研究 STEM Education & 专业的研究 l5brown@eagle1027.com Information literacy, public libraries
Burns, Elizabeth A. - Associate Professor of Library Science STEM Education & 专业的研究 eburns@eagle1027.com 课程与教学, 学校图书馆教育, 学校图书馆倡导, online education, 考核与评价
罗伯特·凯斯,体育管理学副教授 人体运动科学 rcase@eagle1027.com sport studies; sport economic impact; sport leadership; sport management curriculum development; legal aspects of sport
劳拉·切赞,特殊教育副教授 人体运动科学 lchezan@eagle1027.com autism, significant intellectual disabilities, 沟通功能, behavior support, quality of life
Dana Childress,特殊教育助理教授 人体运动科学 dchildre@eagle1027.com 幼儿干预, adult learning principles and practices, 以家庭为中心的实践, multi-component professional development
崔斗英-时装营销助理教授 Educational Foundations and Leadership dchoi@eagle1027.com 时尚消费行为、社会外貌心理、自我性感化、绿色广告
杰米·科尔威尔,文学副教授 Teaching & Learning jcolwell@eagle1027.com adolescent literacy; 学科素养; digital literacy; design-based research
菲利亚海军准将-高等教育副教授 Educational Foundations and Leadership fcommodo@eagle1027.com HBCUs, leadership, black colleges, black women, governance, 管理实践, MSIs, 组织行为, decision-making
Cook-Snell, Brett -Senior Lecturer Educational Foundations and Leadership bhcook@eagle1027.com STEM教育,信息和计算机素养
Crisden, Tamu- MonarchTeach Master Educator  Teaching & Learning Tcrisden@eagle1027.com 科学,中学科学教学,基于项目的学习 
海伦·克朗普顿,教学技术副教授 STEM Education & 专业的研究 crompton@eagle1027.com Mobile learning, mlearning, STEM, 支持STEM的技术, context-aware ubiquitous learning, 技术促进学习, TEL, 教学技术, 技术集成, 教师技术培训, 数学教育
戴维斯,沙龙-时装营销硕士讲师 Educational Foundations and Leadership srdavis@eagle1027.com 商品销售,求职技巧,纺织品和建筑分析,零售数学,时尚营销
Dunkerly-Bean,朱迪思-读写助理教授 Teaching & Learning jdunkerl@eagle1027.com 世界批判素养/教育学,社会正义 & human rights education in literacy, 批判民族志, transnational feminist theory, 全球青少年文学, elementary/adolescent literacy education
安吉拉·埃克霍夫,教学与学习副教授 Teaching & Learning aeckhoff@eagle1027.com 幼儿教育学, arts education, informal/nonformal learning environments, creative and cognitive development, 参与式方法
爱德华兹,丹尼尔-教育领导助理教授 Educational Foundations and Leadership d1edward@eagle1027.com education policy, 教育经济学, 定量方法, casual inference, 准实验的方法, school choice, 教师劳动力市场, 学生和教师的流动性
玛丽·恩德森,数学教育副教授 Teaching & Learning menderso@eagle1027.com PK-12数学教育, PK-12 STEM教育, 老师准备, UTeach program development and implementation, M&S在教师教育中,扫盲在STEM教师准备中
Ferguson, Sarah  Teaching & Learning scfergus@eagle1027.com 数学教育, 基于问题的教学, online learning, 老师准备, STEM education
Kristin Gansle,教育心理学和项目评估教授 STEM Education & 专业的研究 kgansle@eagle1027.com assessment of 老师准备, behavioral principles in education, school psychology, research methods
Grant, Melva -数学教育副教授 Teaching & Learning mgrant@eagle1027.com Mathematics education and teacher leadership, broadening participation in STEM, 定性解释方法包括创造性, critical, 以及基于自我的方法论  
格雷戈里,丹尼斯-高等教育和社区学院领导副教授 Educational Foundations and Leadership dgregory@eagle1027.com 高等教育法, bet8九州登录入口, 比较教育, student affairs, student conduct, sexual violence, facutly governance, 高等教育史, first amendment
Gregory, Mary Teaching & Learning mlgregor@eagle1027.com Teacher Residency, 理科硕士教育, 6-12年级STEM教育, 老师准备, 基于探究的课程设计, learning theories, 文化相关教学法, developing effective mentor teachers, 
格罗索斯,蒂姆-心理咨询副教授 Counseling and Human Services tgrothau@eagle1027.com 学校辅导,文化维持实践(包括倡导和社会正义)
古普塔,Abha -语言和扫盲教育教授 Teaching & Learning agupta@eagle1027.com literacy, diversity, language learning and development, 苦苦挣扎的学习者, ESL/ELL learners, innovative and unconventional interventions, multiculturalism, 老师准备
Gutierrez, Kristie Teaching & Learning kgutierr@eagle1027.com K-12科学教育, informal and formal STEM education, 将STEM内容领域整合到教学中, increasing access to STEM areas for populations who have been historically underrepresented in STEM; engineering education; computer science education
Haegele, Justin - Associate Professor of Health & 体育课 人体运动科学 jhaegele@eagle1027.com adapted physical education; adapted physical activity; disability; visual impairment; 自闭症谱系障碍; subjective experiences; inclusion; qualitative approaches
Hartsfield, Jamie - Lecturer of Human Services Counseling and Human Services jhartsfi@eagle1027.com 家庭,养育子女,青少年,创伤治疗
Hester, Peggy - Professor of Special Education 人体运动科学 phester@eagle1027.com early childhood special education; early intervention/prevention; parent training; early childhood professional development
辛顿,卡沃尼亚-教学教授 Teaching & Learning khintonj@eagle1027.com 青年文学,教育传记,英语教育
霍顿-帕克,Radha-咨询和人类服务副教授 Counseling and Human Services rparker@eagle1027.com 成人发展与老化,灵性,人际关系,社会正义与倡导
Hughes, Katie, Lecturer of Human Services Counseling and Human Services kmhughes@eagle1027.com 围产期心理健康
Johnson, Lisa - Lecturer of Special Education 人体运动科学 l5johnso@eagle1027.com 轻度至中度残疾,英语作为第二语言,包容性空间,特殊教育, 
科默,Gulsah -咨询和人类服务助理教授 Counseling and Human Services gkemer@eagle1027.com 临床监督, counselor training, 主管培训, 主管发展, 集体主义文化中LGB认同的发展
基德,詹妮弗-教学高级讲师 Teaching & Learning jkidd@eagle1027.com 工程教育,教育技术,web 2.0 applications, 学生自己提供的内容, diversity, 同行评审/同行评估, 开放教育资源, digital badges 
金振熙-教学设计与技术助理教授 STEM Education & 专业的研究 jhkim@eagle1027.com 教育中的人工智能,人机交互 & 协作、学习科学、以学生为中心的学习、科技造福社会
Kimmel, Sue - Professor of Library Science STEM Education & 专业的研究 skimmel@eagle1027.com School libraries, digital literacies and resources, children's and adolescent literature, culture, collaboration
Kosloski, Mickey - Associate Professor & Chair Educational Foundations and Leadership mkoslosk@eagle1027.com Career and technical education (CTE), 老师准备, 课程与教学, business and industry training, CTE学生组织, teacher retention and recruitment
Selena Layden,特殊教育助理教授 人体运动科学 slayden@eagle1027.com 自闭症谱系障碍, 循证实践, 老师表演, behavior supports; school-based behavior analysts
Lee, Lea - Associate Professor of Teaching & Learning Teaching & Learning lxlee@eagle1027.com Early childhood education in Korea, parental involvement in literacy education, 多元文化教育
凌凌-公园、康乐及旅游研究讲师 人体运动科学 lling@eagle1027.com 酒店收益管理,定价,分销渠道,消费者行为
罗天,教学设计专业副教授 & Technology STEM Education & 专业的研究 tluo@eagle1027.com 教学设计 and technology, web 2.0, social media, twitter, microblogging, 技术集成, 开放教育资源, 学习分析.
Lynch, Sabra -特殊教育硕士讲师 人体运动科学 sgear@eagle1027.com 儿童早期,识字,专业发展,发育迟缓
Maddamsetti, Jihea Teaching & Learning jmaddams@eagle1027.com teacher identity, social justice, critical pedagogy, 批判种族理论在小学教师教育和语言研究领域的应用
Makovec, Katelyn - Senior Lecturer of Health & 体育课 人体运动科学 ksmither@eagle1027.com 体育、中小学教育、健康教育
凯文·马拉里——图书馆助理教授 & 信息研究 STEM Education & 专业的研究 kmallary@eagle1027.com Accessibility, 辅助技术, academic libraries, 以用户为中心的设计, 通用学习设计
Mamo Yoseph -体育管理助理教授 人体运动科学 ymamo@eagle1027.com 企业社会责任、体育管理、分析学、大数据和机器学习
查尔斯·马蒂斯——高等教育助理教授 Educational Foundations and Leadership cmathies@eagle1027.com higher education, bet8九州登录入口, 比较教育, 高等教育财政, 高等教育政策
Matrood, Basim -工业技术讲师 Educational Foundations and Leadership bmatrood@eagle1027.com Advance manufacturing processes,
 industrial engineering design,
Moe, Jeff - Associate Professor of Counseling Counseling and Human Services jmoe@eagle1027.com clinical mental health counseling; crisis response, lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender issues in counseling, quantitative research in counseling, 协商模型, CACREP-accreditation, individual, couple, 还有团体咨询
Morin, Lisa - Lecturer of Special Education 人体运动科学 lmorin@eagle1027.com 认知策略,数学困难,学习障碍,特殊教育
Mutegi, Jomo -科学教育副教授 Teaching & Learning jmutegi@eagle1027.com STEM learning of Black students; worldview, 身份的发展, and science learning; systemic racism in STEM learning; socially transformative STEM curriculum theory and development, children’s literature development, critical pedagogy, science education in international contexts
Myran, Steve - Pk-12教育领导力副教授 Educational Foundations and Leadership smyran@eagle1027.com 教育领导,教学领导,学习科学,理论建设
他是心理咨询和人类服务的教授 Counseling and Human Services eneukrug@eagle1027.com 咨询理论,评估,专业问题,咨询技巧,同理心,道德,男性问题
佩雷斯,托尼-教育心理学和项目评估副教授 acperez@eagle1027.com 动机,身份发展,STEM保留,干预,应用统计,学习 STEM Education & 专业的研究 acperez@eagle1027.com 动机,身份发展,STEM保留,干预,应用统计,学习
安妮·佩罗蒂——交流障碍副教授 人体运动科学 aperrott@eagle1027.com interprofessional研究...青少年神经发育障碍与认知沟通在学校到禁闭的管道
Pribesh, 教育心理学和项目评估教授 spribesh@eagle1027.com 家庭比较研究, research methods, statistics, 教育社会学, program evaluation, assessment, equity STEM Education & 专业的研究 spribesh@eagle1027.com 家庭比较研究, research methods, statistics, 教育社会学, program evaluation, assessment, equity
Julie Ramsey - MonarchTeach的项目协调员 Teaching & Learning jwiley@eagle1027.com STEM education, 数学教育, Independent PK-12 school structure, school vouchers, 领导力发展, UTEACH & strategic planning
雷蒙德,米歇尔-体育管理讲师 人体运动科学 rmredmond@eagle1027.com 体育管理、残疾、多样性和性别
Reed, Phil - Professor of Workforce Education Educational Foundations and Leadership preed@eagle1027.com Career and Technical Education (CTE), 老师准备, 课程与教学, STEM Education, Technology and Engineering Education
Mark Rehfuss -人类服务教育副教授 Counseling and Human Services Mrehfuss@eagle1027.com career counseling and vocational guidance, 定性研究方法, 在线教育和学习, HMSV education, Interprofessional教育, 综合行为健康
任心悦,教学设计学院助理教授 & Technology STEM Education & 专业的研究 xren@eagle1027.com 教学设计, culturally inclusive course design, accessibility, 开放教育资源, 基于游戏的学习, augmented reality, online and distance education, 混合方法研究
Richard Meagan,教育领导学助理教授 Educational Foundations and Leadership msrichar@eagle1027.com 教育中的公正问题, school leadership, 学校领导准备, socially-just and equitable school leadership, 关键政策研究, neoliberalism
Ridinger, Lynn - Professor of Sport Management 人体运动科学 lridinge@eagle1027.com 运动参与,消费者行为,女性运动
凯利·里帕德——教学讲师 Teaching & Learning krippard@eagle1027.com 合作学习, 问题式教学, curriculum, 教学设计, 教学技术, 定性研究方法, teacher education, 翻转课堂方法, service learning, English education
Saltmarsh, Jason - PK-12教育领导力助理教授 Educational Foundations and Leadership jsaltmar@eagle1027.com education policy, 定性的方法, case study, 择校政策, 学校家庭伙伴关系, 实践社区, schooling in New Orleans and Washington, D.C.
Karen Sanzo - Pk-12教育领导力教授 Educational Foundations and Leadership ksanzo@eagle1027.com 学校领导准备 and development, organizational innovation and improvement, design thinking
索耶,杰森·M-人类服务助理教授 Counseling and Human Services jmsawyer@eagle1027.com community organization practice, tranformative arts in social practice, critical pedagogy, critical and positive youth development practice; and the intersection of social movements and social welfare through an equity-based, anti-oppressive, 反种族主义的镜头. (利用先进的定性方法进行研究, mixed methods, program evaluation, and arts based research methods. 与人类服务组织就将公平和包容纳入组织实践进行磋商.)
Scaringello, Frank - Lecturer of Human Services Counseling and Human Services fscaring@eagle1027.com 学校指导,积极的青少年发展项目,药物滥用
Schwitzer, Alan M. "Woody" - Professor of Counseling Counseling and Human Services aschwitz@eagle1027.com 两年制和四年制大学 & 大学生发展、适应、健康、心理健康、身心健康、学习
Scribner, Jay - Pk-12教育领导力教授 Educational Foundations and Leadership jscribne@eagle1027.com 教育政策,项目评估,教育领导
西蒙斯,Rea -图书馆与信息研究助理教授 STEM Education & 专业的研究 rsimons@eagle1027.com Social and Community informatics, Inclusive technology design and use, Equity and Inclusion in Library & 信息研究, Information Ethics
Smith-Durkin, Stephanie - Counseling Lecturer Counseling and Human Services ssmithdu@eagle1027.com 教育公平, 新手学校辅导员, school and community partnerships, antiracism, social justice, MTSS, 文化能力,
史密斯-穆特吉,德米特里斯——科学教育助理教授 Teaching & Learning dsmithmu@eagle1027.com science education, 非正式STEM教育, early career Black science teacher experiences, diversity in STEM
Snow, Kevin C., Assistant Professor of Human Services Counseling and Human Services ksnow@eagle1027.com 灵性咨询,国际咨询,倡导,多元化问题 & social justice in counseling/human services, 定性研究方法, community mental health counseling, 家庭/移动处理
Sommerfeldt, Jody -教师教育服务的临时主任 Teaching & Learning jsommerf@eagle1027.com 教学技术, 技术集成, mobile learning, 基于项目的学习, teacher education, 教师资格证
Suggs, Brittany G. ——咨询讲师 Counseling and Human Services bsuggs@eagle1027.com Clinical Technology Competence, Collaborative Mental Health Care, Community Mental Health Counseling, 成人初显期, 精神健康方面的公平, Gender-Based Violence Prevention, 全球精神卫生, 全人精神健康护理, 多元文化的能力, 宗教咨询, Psychological First Aid (PFA), Race-Based Traumatic Stressors (RBTS), Social Determinants of Health (SDOH), 社会文化的宣传, Spiritual Integration in Counseling Practice, 咨询技术, Wellness and Preventive Counseling
徐永熙-教学与学习副教授 Teaching & Learning ysuh@eagle1027.com history-social studies education, 学科素养, inquiry-based teaching and learning, teacher education, teacher professional development, 定性研究方法 (e.g.、叙事探究、扎根理论、内容分析等.)
Tarver, Shuntay -人类服务助理教授 Counseling and Human Services smccoy@eagle1027.com Black/African-American Families; Systemic influences on marginalized outcomes; Antiracism; Systemic inequality; Cultural competence; Educational equity; Critical Race Theory; Interdisciplinary research; Mixed-methodology; Qualitative inquiry; Identity development
Tomovic, Cynthia - Professor of Industry & Business Training Educational Foundations and Leadership ctomovic@eagle1027.com 组织的领导, 性能改进, globalization, virtual teams, and impact of product lifecycle management, STEM Education.
亚瑟,林赛-公园,娱乐和旅游研究副教授 人体运动科学 lusher@eagle1027.com 旅游对当地社区的影响,冲浪文化和旅游业,发展中国家的旅游业
Wang, Yubing - Assistant Professor of Health & 体育课 人体运动科学 y8wang@eagle1027.com physical education, physical activity behavior change, habit development, 身心锻炼与健康.
西尔瓦娜·沃森,特殊教育教授 人体运动科学 swatson@eagle1027.com Specific Learning Disabilities (e.g.(阅读障碍),有或没有残疾的多语言学习者,以及认知策略
米切尔·威廉姆斯. -社区学院领导与高等教育副教授 Educational Foundations and Leadership mrwillia@eagle1027.com 社区大学在解决贫困相关问题中的作用, 农村社区学院, 两年制和四年制院校之间的合作, 成人教育
温菲尔德,Chaniece -人类服务高级讲师 Counseling and Human Services cwinfiel@eagle1027.com substance abuse, mental health, 共病的疾病, ethics, assessment, MH和SA干预措施, interviewing, treatment planning, group facilitation and development, supervision, families, 青少年和儿童, credentialing, 从业人员发展, 人文服务教育, 科技教学, experiential and immersion based learning, 教学效果,
Yang, Mohan - Assistant Professor of Industry & Business Training Educational Foundations and Leadership myang@eagle1027.com 培训转移, 数字化转型和新兴技术, online learning, authentic learning, 通用学习设计
颜成杰-教育心理学与计划评估副教授 STEM Education & 专业的研究 cyen@eagle1027.com 数据分析,广义线性混合建模,测试验证
柳胜玲-幼儿与基础教育学系助理教授 Teaching & Learning syu@eagle1027.com 教室(多)识字, 双/多语儿童的身份协商与归属, spatiality, materiality, 后结构主义/人本主义, mapping, action research, ethnography
Zhu, Xihe - Professor of Health & 体育课 人体运动科学 x2zhu@eagle1027.com 行为健康,心理健康,身体活动,身体健康,项目评估