
The Bachelor of Science 口腔卫生 (BSDH) Post-licensure Online program is designed for students who have completed a certificate or associate degree from an accredited dental hygiene program and desire to continue their education toward a Bachelor of Science 口腔卫生. 该计划为有执照的牙科保健师提供了获得知识的机会, 技能, 以及在教育领域扩大职业机会所必需的态度, 促进口腔健康, 研究, 社区和公共卫生, 管理, 和市场营销. 这个项目也为研究生学习提供了坚实的基础.

The BSDH Post-Licensure Online Program is available online or as a hybrid of online and on-campus courses.


Click on the information below to read an explanation of the application process with a list of criteria and instructions.

A licensed dental hygienist educated at another institution who desires to pursue the Bachelor of Science 口腔卫生 should apply and be accepted by bet8体育娱乐入口 as an upper-level dental hygiene transfer student. 正式接受作为口腔卫生专业将由招生委员会决定的BSDH 许可证后在线计划. A licensed dental hygienist educated at another institution who desires to pursue the Bachelor of Science 口腔卫生 should apply and accepted by bet8体育娱乐入口 as an upper-level dental hygiene transfer student. 正式接受作为口腔卫生专业将由招生委员会决定的B.S.D.H. 许可证后在线计划. 口腔卫生学院.S.D.H. Post-Licensure application must be submitted to the American Dental Education Association's Dental Hygiene Centralized 应用程序 服务 (ADEA DHCAS) website 并且必须具有“已验证”状态才能被认为是完整的并准备好进行审查. 被大学录取不代表被口腔卫生专业录取.

Persons seeking admission to the bet8体育娱乐入口 BSDH Post-Licensure Online Program should follow these steps:

  1. 完成一个 在线申请 到bet8体育娱乐入口攻读学位.

    a. Transcripts to support your online university application must be official and mailed directly from your previous institution to Old Dominion's 入学s 办公室 at bet8体育娱乐入口, 招生办公室, 罗林斯厅, 诺福克, VA 23529.

  2. 通过DHCAS完成牙齿卫生计划的补充申请.

    a. 申请DHCAS: http://www.adea.org/DHCASapp/applicants

    b. Request transcripts from all college-level coursework (all previous educational institutions attended since high school). 因为这可能需要一些时间来接收和处理, applicants are encouraged to enter in their colleges and request a transcript at the beginning of the process.

    c. 索取高中成绩单.

    d. 要求两封推荐信. Go to the evaluation section of your application and enter your recommenders' names and email addresses. 一定要做到准确无误. 然后你的推荐人会收到一封来自 dhcasinfo@dhcas.org 要求他们提供在线评估.

  3. 在申请文件部分上传补充表格,包括:

    a. 当前的简历
    b. 当前RDH许可证复印件
    c. 当前CPR证书复印件(上传至“其他”部分)
    d. 国家口腔卫生考试成绩复印件

  4. 对您的DHCAS申请仍有疑问或疑虑?

    找到了大多数DHCAS问题的答案 在这里. 或联系 DHCAS客户服务 有关申请的问题.

所有材料必须邮寄到DHCAS to be compiled and transmitted to the 入学s Committee of the BSDH Post-Licensure Online Program for review and decision. 所有所需材料的清单将驻留在 DHCASwebsite.


申请人必须先被bet8体育娱乐入口录取. 进入大学不构成进入BSDH许可证后在线课程.

BSDH许可证后在线计划在11月1日至7月1日之间接受申请. 一旦被录取,学生可以开始秋季,春季或夏季学期.


  1. 获得认可的口腔卫生专业证书或副学士学位.
  2. 没有获得英格兰110 c学分的学生必须通过写作样本测试(WSPT)。.
  3. 成功完成大学低级通识教育要求和/或同等学历. 哲学伦理口语交际的通识教育要求, 和技术的影响是满意的,在主要的许可证后在线计划.
  4. 成功完成部门要求或同等学历. 所有课程的成绩都必须达到(C)或以上.
  5. 圆满完成 15 credits at the upper division to include a minimum of six credits to meet the Upper-Division General Education requirement.
  6. 成功完成五门专业课程:DNTH 412W、DNTH 414、DNTH 415、DNTH 416、DNTH 440T.
  7. 圆满完成 英格兰110 c英格兰211 c, or 英格兰221 c, or 英格兰231 c, and the writing intensive (W) course in the major with a grade of C or better and the Senior Assessment Survey.
  8. Applicants who hold an associate of applied science degree rather than an associate of science degree must meet the University's lower-level General Education requirements.

入门级和B级.S.D.H. 获得执照后的在线口腔卫生学生,累计达到3.30 grade point average and senior standing may complete the Bachelor of Science 口腔卫生 to Master of Science (BSDH-MS) dental hygiene linked program application. This program allows exceptional undergraduate students the opportunity to take up to 12 credit hours of graduate course work and apply them to both the undergraduate and graduate degrees. Students in the linked program must earn a minimum of 150 credit hours (120 discrete credit hours for the undergraduate degree and 30 discrete credit hours for the graduate degree). 向研究生项目主任咨询更多信息.


A baccalaureate degree prepares the dental hygientist to assume roles in many different health care environments treating diverse populations, 比如普通和专业实践, 公立学校, 社区设置, 保健品行业, 保险公司, 急症和长期护理设施, 联邦和国营牙科诊所, 以及牙齿卫生教育项目. The bachelor's degree provides advanced knowledge and practice both in general university courses as well as in dental hygiene theory, 研究方法与教学策略.

Course credits from any accredited institution of higher learning are transferable if a grade of "C" or better is attained. To determine if t在这里 is a match with the required courses for the Bachelor of Science degree 口腔卫生, the student needs to submit an official transcript with a University 应用程序 to the 招生办公室 for an evaluation of the course.


获得学士学位至少需要120个学分. The length of time required to complete the program and University requirements is determined by the number of acceptable college transfer credits; at least 30 credit hours must be taken at bet8体育娱乐入口. 学生可以在三到四个学期的全日制学习中完成该课程.

Interested persons need to complete applications to BOTH the University and the 口腔卫生学院.

  • 步骤1: 应用程序s to the University are available from the 招生办公室 at bet8体育娱乐入口, 招生办公室, 罗林斯厅, 诺福克, VA 23529. 申请可在此找到: http://eagle1027.com/admission/undergraduate
  • 步骤2: 申请BSDH许可证后计划可在网上获得 DHCASwebsite.


BSDH许可证后程序可以完全在线完成. 如果愿意,学生可以选择在线课程和校内课程的混合课程.

Do I have to submit transcripts to the DHCASwebsite for the BSDH Post-Licensure program application if I have already sent them to ODU 招生办公室?
是的, college and high school transcripts must be submitted to BOTH ODU 招生办公室 and the Post-Licensure program application on the DHCASwebsite. 它们是两个独立的应用程序.