
bet8体育娱乐入口 believes in the positive impact that student organizations can have to the overall Monarch community. 除了领导和管理方面的支持, student organizations have access to various types of monetary support to apply towards annual activities and operational costs. Listed below are three different forms of financial support offered to student organizations registered with the University.


Detailed information regarding the steps needed to apply for the funding options listed below are found on the SET Policies & 程序页面.


每年, the Student Government Association reviews annual budget requests submitted by student organizations (that are registered as Recognized) outlining their anticipated operating costs for the upcoming year.

Each request is reviewed by the SGA Finance Committee as well as volunteer ODU 教师/工作人员, and a detailed amount of funding is allocated to the organization to be used throughout the upcoming year. New organizations applying for their first annual budget are limited to a $500 initial allocation.

预算请求通过君主集团提交, information and deadlines on submitting the nudget will be advertised by Student Government Association. 另外, several budget management and budget request training sessions are offered throughout the year. 组织 seeking to apply for an annual budget must attend one of these budget sessions prior to applying for an annual budget.

View 2019 - 2020 Student 组织 allocations.

SET财务政策 & 程序

Student organizations that are allotted annual funding, 突发事件, and sponsorships submit payment requests via 君主组 to be processed by the 学生参与 and 传统 Finance staff. There are a variety of different types of transactions student organizations are able to request following Commonwealth and University policies as well as the SGA financial bylaws. Transactions that can be made in advance on behalf of the organization are highly preferred. Each type of transaction has different components and a full explanation can be found in the SET财务政策 & 程序手册.

All student organizations who receive funding must attend a 学生参与 & 传统 hosted budget workshop in the fall semester. This is different from the annual budget workshop hosted by SGA.

The last day to submit payment requests is the last day of classes in each semester.

访问SET财务政策 & 程序网站了解更多.


访问事件、公告 & 校园资源. Track involvement, get connected to organizations & 寻找其他帝王蝶.


学生组织 must comply with the 学生行为准则 and its policies on organizational behavior.


The Student Government Association recognizes that student organizations often develop programming or operational costs throughout the year that were not anticipated prior to their Annual Budget Request submission.

在回应, SGA provides an opportunity for organizations (that are registered as either Recognized or Provisional) to request funding for these extra costs through Contingency Requests. Once per semester (as well as an additional time during 同学会 Week) organizations may request funding from SGA.

This process requires meeting with the SGA Finance Committee who will then construct a Contingency Bill to be presented to the SGA Senate. Contingency Requests must be voted on and approved by the SGA Senate in order to be applied to an organization's annual budget.


组织 may receive sponsorship funding from other organizations at the University.

百事可乐餐饮服务,以及 ODU书店 为学生组织活动提供支持. These sponsorships are requested through an application form via 君主组 and are accepted throughout the year.

另外, organizations may partner with other organizations as co-sponsors on an event. These co-sponsorships allow for student organizations to compile funds within their budgets. Each organization has its own process through which co-sponsorships are requested and evaluated. Students are encouraged to reach out to other organizations' Treasurers (and other 办公室rs) when seeking a co-sponsorship.

The Student Government Association highly prioritizes its commitment to co-sponsoring events with other organizations across campus. 组织 (Recognized or Associated) seeking to co-sponsor an event with SGA that is open to the entire university community may fill out the application via 君主组.