
在对弗吉尼亚州七个城市进行为期六天的访问期间,总统布莱恩. Hemphill, Ph值.D., and First Lady Marisela Rosas Hemphill, Ph值.D., met with more than 1,000名君主国家的成员勾勒出bet8体育娱乐入口的前瞻性愿景.

从一个城市到另一个城市, ODU校友, 学生和朋友们聚集在一起,分享他们对ODU未来的兴奋, 以及他们对大学如何影响他们生活的反思.

在每一站, 校友们反复用一句话来形容亨普希尔校长带来的东西:“一股新活力."

在维也纳, Dinh Peter Nguyen '95 said that, as a Vietnamese immigrant and person of color, he felt proud his alma mater had selected Hemphill, the first African American president of the University. "His résumé gives me goosebumps,他说. "I'm honored to be a Monarch just by the fact they chose him to lead us."

在弗吉尼亚海滩, ODU访客委员会主席布鲁斯·布拉德利(Bruce Bradley)讲述了亨普希尔校长如何从来自全国各地的92名申请者中脱颖而出. "Not only did he come with a high level of experience, but his energy level and charisma blew us away,他说.

When Hemphill was selected, the board vote was unanimous.

在每一站, 亨普希尔校长概述了大学的指导原则:卓越, 问责制, transparency and being student-centered in all ways. 他邀请Monarch Nation的成员参加焦点小组,重新启动战略规划进程, noting the need for input from business, 军队和国家领导人,以确保大学为学生准备今天和明天的工作.

亨普希尔校长给每个城市的听众一个使命:通过分享他们的ODU故事,成为大学的大使. He 分享d a new mantra: "One message, many voices."

他说,那就是ODU有能力改变人们的生活. “有了ODU的教育,你可以成为任何你想成为的人,”他在弗吉尼亚海滩对听众说. "An ODU education will open doors and provide significant opportunities. We need to help our students understand how it will be transformative."

在每个城市, alumni 分享d how that story has been true for them. 在亚历山大, 19岁的Varsha Ravi说,她觉得有责任回馈给她这么多的母校. In 2016, Ravi was recruited by Ajay Gupta, director of computer resources in the Department of Computer Science, to complete research. "It was the first hands-on project I had the opportunity to do,她说, 她补充说,类似的机会在她的祖国印度的本科课程中并不存在.

Ravi went on to earn her master's degree, 2019年4月获得计算机科学优秀研究生助教奖,并担任亚马逊网络服务的软件开发人员. "ODU changed my life,她说. “ODU真的帮助我取得了今天的成就,所以我想回报它."

For those seeking ways to give back to the University, President Hemphill advised ODU needed their "time, talent and treasure." Sometimes they may be able to give more of one than the others, 他说, but ODU welcomes all three.

几位与会者分享了在线ODU如何使他们在履行职责的同时实现了自己的教育目标. 一些情侣,包括弗吉尼亚海滩的金·柯蒂斯和基思·柯蒂斯,在俄勒冈州立大学相识并坠入爱河. 对于一些家庭来说, ODU had become a tradition, with three generations, 表亲, 兄弟姐妹, nieces and nephews proudly becoming Monarchs over the decades.

这次旅行将帝王蝶们聚集在一起,重新联系并分享ODU如何塑造了他们的生活. When asked why the Monarch Nation Tour was an important first step, President Hemphill said, “它允许教职员工, staff and administrators to get out and meet you. You are the individuals who made the University into what it is today."

“这就像一次家庭团聚,”负责学生参与的副校长唐·斯坦伯里(Don Stansberry)说 & Enrollment 服务s (SEES), said in Richmond. "And now, we have added President Hemphill to our family."

在每个城市, exemplary ODU alums were recognized with a new honor, the Monarch Spirit Award, 表彰对大学作出重大贡献的人士. 每位受奖人都通过持续的关心和支持表现出杰出的承诺记录. The recipients of the 2021 Monarch Spirit Awards are:

  • 多娜维. Fisher '74 and Daniel Fisher '72: 唐娜得了B.S. 在Old Dominion University's Strome College of business获得工商管理硕士学位, and Daniel earned a B.S. in business administration. 费希尔夫妇一直是母校的积极成员,24年来一直为道明基金项目捐款.
  • 詹姆斯年代. 程82: 詹姆斯得了B.S. 他是bet8体育娱乐入口(Old Dominion University)的工商管理硕士,弗吉尼亚大学(University of Virginia)的工商管理硕士.D. from Georgetown University. 自1999年以来,他一直在老道明教育基金会董事会任职,并支持道明基金计划25年.
  • 乔E. 卡特小. '86: 乔得了B.S.B.A. from Old Dominion University. 他曾在校友会董事会担任多个职务, including as treasurer and as a member of the Finance Committee. He holds season tickets for football and basketball, 是ODU校友会NOVA/DC分会的成员,并于2015年获得校友会服务奖. Carter has been giving to the Dominion Fund for 19 years.
  • 蒂莫西·J. 76年脑海”: Timothy received a B.A. 在bet8体育娱乐入口艺术与文学学院获得政治学学位. 他担任新星/DC校友章的总裁,是一个足球季票持有人. As alumni chapter president, O'Donohue在弗吉尼亚州北部和马里兰州为校友提供了无数的参与机会.C. area, and has supported the Dominion Fund program for 33 years.
  • 查尔斯·F. Catlett III '70: 查尔斯得了B.S. bet8体育娱乐入口商学院工商管理专业毕业. 他曾在教育基金会董事会任职20年,并于2009年至2011年担任主席. He served on the 校友会 Board from 1999-2002, and was the recipient of the Regional 服务 Award. 卡特利特有着杰出的支持记录,已经为道明基金提供了31年的资金.
  • 金·柯蒂斯1982年: 金得了B.S. from Old Dominion University. 自2004年以来,她一直是老自治领教育基金会董事会的成员,此前曾担任副主席. 她是ODU房地产咨询委员会(现为CREED)的创始成员和现任成员,也是ODU妇女倡议网络(WIN)的创始成员。. 和她的丈夫, 凯斯·柯蒂斯83年, she has been a co-recipient of the Distinguished 校友 服务 Award. She has supported the Dominion Fund program for 35 years.
  • 巴里·C. 主教74: Barry graduated from ODU with a B.A. in political science. 他是达顿教育学院顾问委员会的成员,也是校友会董事会的前成员. He has supported the Dominion Fund for 28 years.

See videos and pictures from the Monarch Nation Tour 在这里.

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