
Old Dominion University announced that Jessica Whitehead has been named the Joan P. Brock Endowed Executive Director of the Institute for Coastal Adaptation and 弹性 (ICAR).

Whitehead joins ODU from the North Carolina Office of Recovery and Resiliency (NCORR), where she served as its first chief resilience officer. 她的新任命标志着ODU在沿海弹性研究方面长达十年的领导地位又翻开了新的篇章, education and outreach.

Launched in 2019, ICAR provides an interdisciplinary, research-based approach to addressing pressing issues for the regional coastal communities. 在一个重要的沿海地区,一所研究型大学的结合激发了ODU十年的投资和承诺, led by President John R. 布罗德里克, to advance fundamental and applied study in the areas of sea-level rise and coastal resilience. This interdisciplinary approach, with its array of immediate real-world application opportunities, was formalized with the launch of ICAR.

“沿海适应和恢复研究所的成立标志着十年工作的高潮,实现了与我已故的朋友和同事分享的愿景, Dr. 拉里·阿特金森, with whom I initiated the University's coastal resiliency effort," President 布罗德里克 said.

"The appointment of Dr. Whitehead as the Joan P. 布洛克捐赠的执行董事使我们能够以拉里的遗产为基础,通过促进研究来帮助受海平面上升威胁的社区, leveraging resources, building connections and leading efforts to turn world-class science into global practice."

作为ICAR与诺福克市创新合作和谅解备忘录的一部分, 怀特黑德还将与城市工作人员和领导层密切合作,将诺福克作为弹性政策的试验田, strategies and technologies. 这种伙伴关系将使ODU教师能够直接连接到城市作为创新技术和实践的天然实验室,并将支持利用老自治领在建模和仿真方面的优势的应用教师研究和学生项目, 经济学, engineering and more to build resilience in Norfolk's neighborhoods. ICAR将从这一伙伴关系中吸取教训,并在此基础上进一步发展,使整个区域内外的其他城市和社区参与进来.

“我们期待bet8体育娱乐入口作为一个不可或缺的合作伙伴来实施弗吉尼亚州的沿海弹性总体规划框架. The hiring of Dr. Jessica Whitehead作为ICAR的创始主任,是将研究与行动联系起来,为整个英联邦社区建立复原力的关键一步," said Special Assistant to Gov. Ralph Northam for Coastal Adaptation and Protection Ann Phillips. "In her previous role with the State of North Carolina, Dr. Whitehead was a valuable collaborator as we 分享d strategies between our two states. 欢迎博士. Whitehead to Virginia and look forward to continued collaborations with her and Old Dominion."

“诺福克市一直在努力工作,并在提高沿海恢复力和适应能力方面处于领先地位, and we look forward to working with Jessica Whitehead in her new role," Norfolk Mayor Kenneth C. 亚历山大说. "Our resilience strategy is now in full swing with major projects underway, including the St. Paul's Transformation Initiative, 俄亥俄河流域项目以及市区防洪墙扩建的规划和设计. 我们正在通过与bet8体育娱乐入口沿海适应和恢复力研究所的合作伙伴关系推动创新,我们欢迎. Whitehead to the team."

布罗德里克校长指出,我们应该感谢那些支持ICAR发展的人, including Brock, an alumna and longtime supporter of Old Dominion University, whose $3 million donation helped make ICAR a reality.

“美国各地的地方和州政府都在问韧性是否重要,现在他们想知道该做什么以及如何做," Whitehead said. “我们需要大学和政府之间的创新和合作伙伴关系来回答这个问题. I'm so excited to be leading ICAR, 因为ODU和诺福克市在制定实施沿海恢复力和适应解决方案的国家标准方面具有独特的优势."

怀特黑德在宾夕法尼亚州立大学获得地理学博士学位和气象学硕士学位. 她还获得了查尔斯顿学院(College of Charleston)气象学专业的物理学学士学位. Prior to beginning with NCORR in June 2019, she was the coastal communities hazards adaptation specialist for North Carolina Sea Grant, 她在哪里帮助沿海用户将对沿海天气和气候灾害的抵御能力信息整合到决策过程中.

怀特黑德是美国气象学会外展和大学预科教育委员会成员,也是北卡罗莱纳州立大学气候与社会硕士课程顾问委员会成员. 她是乔治城大学应急与灾害管理专业硕士课程的兼职讲师, 她在哪里开设并教授气候变化应急与灾害管理课程. Until June 2020, 怀特黑德是阿尔伯马尔-帕姆利科国家河口伙伴关系的科学和技术咨询委员会的联合主席. 她是应用气候独立咨询委员会和持续国家气候评估联邦咨询委员会的成员.

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