By Joy Vann

After six years at Old Dominion University, four as an undergraduate and two as a graduate student, 马里兰州人克雷格·罗林斯(Craig Rollins)手里拿着高等教育硕士学位,心中揣着远大的梦想,正在继续前进.

Recalling his introduction to the University, 罗林斯说,他很快就被这里的社区感所吸引.

“It just felt like a second home to me from the start. And home is very important to me. After I visited, it was like, ‘Bingo. I’ve gotta go there,’” he said.

While at ODU, 罗林斯担任过几个职位,包括足球项目的学生助理实习生, 学生过渡和家庭项目办公室的指导主任以及住房和居住生活办公室的住宿助理, 所有这些都对他的职业选择起到了一定的作用.

As graduation approaches, 罗林斯正在进行多元化工作的最后一轮面试, equity and inclusion departments at other universities. 他希望自己的工作能让他在追随维姬·威廉姆斯(Vicki Williams)等领袖的脚步的同时,帮助学生实现他们的目标, 奥德赛大学的教务长和参与副校长.

Further down the road, 他设想自己在ODU这样的大型城市大学担任类似的职位.

“I want to be the person that people can come talk to. I want to be an advocate and an advisor,” he said. “我还想帮助学校提高学生参与度, planning events and programs that inspire them.”

罗林斯说,作为一名研究生助理,同时还要上课,并不是没有压力, but overall, it was an amazing experience. 他把这归功于他的教授和高等教育部门的工作人员.

“It’s a phenomenal, tight-knit community. 他们知道很多信息,并把这些信息传授给我和我的同学。. “I soaked up all this information, these experiences, and all the things that our professors taught us, and I get to carry that forward with me wherever I go next.”


“There were only six of us in my cohort, so we were close. 我们真的很了解彼此,每天一起工作. 家庭对我来说很重要,他们就像我的第二个家. We checked up on each other,” he said.

“这些东西让我的毕业经历变得最好. It was about the people. 757将永远在我心中有一个特殊的位置,因为这里的人在bet8体育娱乐入口.”

He remembers that Kim Bullington, 教育基础与领导力副教授, 是在高等教育研究生课程的第一年,第一个找到他的教授吗.


“是她推动着我说,‘嘿,你可以做到的. You’ve just got to stay focused,’” he recalled.


 布灵顿说:“克雷格对高等教育项目产生了积极影响. “他在课堂上的精力和贡献使他在课程项目中担任了几个领导职务. He works hard and it shows. He will be a strong force in the student affairs field.”

罗林斯会见了领导力部副主任迪奥尼西亚·马勒-罗杰斯 & Learning, in 2017 during First-Year Summer Institute, a leadership program for incoming students, 在哪里他第一次了解到她对帮助学生在社交和学业上找到出路的热情.

他说:“她是那种真正热爱自己工作的人。. “她的领导力课程教会了我很多关于我的个性和领导风格的知识.” 

虽然他为自己作为研究生助理的工作感到自豪, two projects in particular stand out to Rollins.

The first one is Roaring Loud, 为学生举办的以艺术家为特色的年终节日, vendors and a DJ. 第二个是他参加了全国校园活动协会会议,在那里他获得了编程知识,以促进参与和包容性.

他最近的大学职位是跨文化关系办公室黑人倡议的研究生助理, 为黑人历史月制作节目是他的主要任务之一.

“That was a great experience for me. 为黑人倡议组织工作让我肩上的担子更重,因为我代表的是一群学生,” he said. “它教会了我做生意,因为我不得不分担我的领导职责. I had to wear different hats on different days.”

他补充说,这段经历也让他有机会与其他团体合作,包括黑人校友委员会, the Black Student Association and the NAACP.


“克雷格带着一种同理心和帮助他人的愿望在他的空间里走动. He displays a passion for supporting others, especially the African-American community, pursuing higher education,” she said. 这一点在他的工作、实习、研究生援助和学生组织中都很明显. 他是个心胸宽广、乐于助人的人. He listens, 寻求反馈并有意地向前推进,以改善教育的未来.”

While obtaining a doctorate degree is in his sights, 罗林斯计划暂时休学,专注于工作.

“I really want to expand my experience,” he said. “I do want to expand my education in the future, 但我想花几年的时间在工作池里认识不同的人,扩展我的翅膀.”